Set destination and arrival time and alert me when it's time to leave
Based on current conditions, alert me 5-15 minutes before I need to leave so that I can arrive at a set time.

Great news! The feature to set the time to leave is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
pat commented
awesome idea. it would be great if they could take historical & traffic statistics to determine a future, planned trip time.
Jon Allen commented
Many things are in my calender with a start time but I need to be there earlier than that. Kids sporting events are a good example of this. It would be great to be able to add how early I want to be.
NicolasWaisman commented
Try this.
1. Set a place to go on Google Calendar.
2. Make sure you have Google Now well set.
3. Wait until de date arrives...
4. Share the results with us. -
Kenton Van Natten commented
Google Now doesn't seem to work for me.
Anonymous commented
Gostaria de sugerir uma função para que pudesse otimizar o tempo no transito.Hoje colocamos o endereço e aplicativo nos informa através do transito o tempo que em teoria gastaremos nele partindo do nosso local naquele momento. A minha ideia seria o seguinte: possuo compromisso no aeroporto às 15:00, e programo meu app para informar quanto tempo levo.Mas minha busca esta sendo feita na parte da manhã e só sairei à tarde . O app poderia de forma agendada soar um alarme, visto que estou naquele endereço e necessito ir para o aeroporto sem me atrasar , assim programo o aplicativo para que tempo previsto + antecedência de 30 minutos ( margem ajustável pelo usuário de tempo de segurança) para que saia de meu local até o destino apenas no horário mais próximo. assim otimizo reuniões e tempo dentro da empresa.
qualquer duvida entre em contato por email que tento dar mais detalhes.
NicolasWaisman commented
There is a WorkAround for this. Search #GoogleNow
jamesrossi commented
sound alert when waze now i come to late... so give me a alert right in time to come in time
Toby Fry commented
This would be a really useful feature. I agree I thought I saw this put in already for 4.0 but I can't see it in the app. Come on WAZE, make this happen
moshe mahar commented
I made an appointment for tomorrow at 9 am when to leave the house an hour before, half an hour ago
Application interface makes the averaging of the day according to time with traffic as soon as you want to reach the Governor at 9 am you put this data then he will tell you when to leave the house / office and so you come near without the
Bruno Arrais commented
Vamos supor que tenho um evento em uma certa região as 9:00 da manhã, o aplicativo poderia permitir que o usuário agende sua reunião no próprio aplicativo, ao cadastrar o evento o aplicativo faz o cálculo da rota do ponto de partida até o local do evento, vamos supor que o cálculo da rota tem um total de 1 hora, seria interessante se o aplicativo enviasse alertas com o status atual do transito com 2 ou 3 horas de antecedência, avisando sobre o seu tempo de trajeto, até o seu limite de tempo para a saída, Ex: “Faltam 2:00 horas para o inicio do seu evento, sua rota até o evento tem a estimativa de 1:55 min, saia agora.”. Os amigos vinculados ao waze também poderiam criar os eventos, marcando outros amigos neste evento, ao cadastrar o amigo marcado no evento seria alertado tendo a possibilidade de aceitar ou não o evento. Caso o amigo aceite ele receberá os avisos do aplicativo da mesma forma, caso não aceita o criador do evento receberia um comunicado de rejeição.
Anonymous commented
Add an option to plan a route,or a trip in advance.
For example:
I want to drive tommrow to Karmiel (IL), and i need to be there at 10:00 am
I want to know whrn should i leave based upon statitstics(history) of the traffic on my route.
Or set hour for departure and based on traffic history, calculate for me when will i arrive. -
Anonymous commented
תכנון שעת נסיעה וצפי הגעה לפי יום בשבוע כלומר נסיעה מירושלים לתל אביב לפי מוצעי שבת לדוגמא. כמו תכנון בנסיעה בתחבורה ציבורית.
Pedro Smith commented
I understand, but this a particular situation that came across your path after you started navigation. If the accident had happend wile you were sleeping or still at home it would have calculated the spare time required for you to leave and woken you up earlier :)
Sarah White commented
Except it won't work. Today when I got up, I followed my usual routine and checked the weather, checked traffic conditions using waze, and by the time I left I was en route with more than 10 minutes to spare. 15 minutes later there was an accident along my usual commute route and it would've added 30 minutes delay to my commute if I hadn't rerouted. Taking an alternate route meant I was only 5 minutes late. Waze isn't a crystal ball.
Lenzi Jo Erickson commented
It seems like something similar to this was added in 4.0, but I can't get it to work or find any information on it. I sometimes use the INRIX app for this reason only. You can say that you want to be at work mon-fri at 9am and that you want it to tell you 15 minutes (or whatever time you choose) before you need to leave. And it's awesome.
Here is what it said in the latest update:
Smart reminders to leave on time for your Calendar events based on traffic conditions and drive times. -
Anonymous commented
Ce serait très pratique de pouvoir planifier son trajet à l'avance et le "sauvegarder", comme ça quand tu lances l'application il te demande automatiquement si tu veux faire ce trajet sauvegardé ou pas ?
Ce serait encore mieux si on pouvait mettre l'heure à laquelle on veut arriver et qu'il nous envoit une notification quand il est l'heure de commencer le trajet. -
Pedro Smith commented
Everyday, millions of wazers do three things in common: We wake up, get prepared (bath, dressed, breakfast) and leave to work.
The only thing that is really different between one day and another, is how long will it take you to get to work... somedays longer than expected... other days less...
What if we could save more time for ourselves?
Waze alarm is a new future that calculates the right moment you need to wake up, based on how long to you need to prepare your self and traffic conditions.That is outsmarting our time, having two befefits as an output:
1 -Even if we save 5 minutes per day, that is 100 minutes a month!
2 - If we have to leave earlier,at least we can make drivers less stressed by predicting delays due to unnusual traffic! -
Anonymous commented
A great add on to the app would be if you could set a time when you want to get somewhere and Waze could notify you when you need to leave depending on the current traffic conditions.
shachar ben-or commented
My idea is to add a option "Alert" where the user can request an alert to reach the target at a chosen future time.
As traffic varies from hour to hour - if suddenly slowed WAZE will alert the user to departure time.
For example,
user entered the meeting at 10:00
He should come to the next meeting at 12: 00
Destination travel time is 30 minutes
The WAZE alert at 11:30.
Also, if you change traffic map (traffic jams, etc.) and travel time will be 45 minutes, WAZE alert at 11:15.
In addition, you can add a option "organize" that is, how long a user has to get organized before departure.
If a user needs 10 minutes, the WAZE alert at 11: 05.
The goal is to support the user and prevent malfunctions due to changes in traffic even when the user is not driving. -
Mike commented
It would be nice if you could set an alarm or have Wave launch a preset route at a certain time.
I have a long commute each day, and it would be nice if the route launched when I woke up with my alarm, and then updated me when 10 minutes or more time has been added to my route, so I know if there is an accident, or traffic is bogging down, so I am aware that I need to leave sooner.
Sometimes I wake up, check my route, then take a shower and eat breakfast. But when I get in the car and turn on the route again, I find out there was an accident or traffic jam since the last time I checked, and now I'm going to be late for work. If I had known, or if the app could alert me when there is an incident on the route, then I would know I need to leave sooner, or hurry up and skip breakfast since it's going to take longer than when I initially checked.