Set destination and arrival time and alert me when it's time to leave
Based on current conditions, alert me 5-15 minutes before I need to leave so that I can arrive at a set time.

Great news! The feature to set the time to leave is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
João Luiz commented
This feature allows users to schedule trips and receive push notifications about what time they should leave. That would make everyday trips like home-office/office-home more efficient.
Mike Hammett commented
Anonymous commented
Est il possible de lancer un réveil qui tient en compte la circulation
Je dois arriver a 8h chez un client je planifie l adresse la veille le temps que je met a me préparer avant de partir et automatiquement le réveil sonne pour arriver a l heure en fonction de la circulation.
Cordialement -
Lisa Jabbar commented
Allow me to input my destination in advance so I know when I need to leave. Eg, I have to be at a restaurant at 6:30, when should I leave home?
Sal commented
Here is how it can work:
It is quitting time at work. A meeting comes up. The user wants to leave for home. At the same time it is rush hour and drive time is 50% more (let's day 45mins) what it usually takes to drive (let's say 30 mins). But user would like to leave work as soon as drive time is less than some desired drive time (let's say 25mins). This way user is staying productive and less frustrated with the drive when leaving the office. Steps will be as follows:
1. Launch the app.
2. Select Standby option.
3. Select/search destination.
4. Enter desired drive time.
5. Enable the option.User closes the app. User starts using other applications or gets busy with the meeting. But app is running in the background. As soon as real-time drive time is less than desired time a banner alerts the user that it is time to drive. User wraps up activities and starts the drive to the destination.
In an advanced version user also gets grocery deals for the "grocery wish list" for grocery stores along the route in the banner or app's screen when starting the drive.
Anonymous commented
Monitor traffic and tell me when i should leave so i can arrive on time.
Lee commented
Add the ability to pre-plan a journey along with a required arrival time. Waze client to then sound an alarm at the time you need to leave.
Anonymous commented
Lets say I know that in two days i have to be in a certain location at a certain time. I want to know statiscly how much time it takes to drive there according to other cars that traveled in the same route in the last few weeks, so i can plan ahead when I have to leave
Du Toit commented
I would love to be able to capture my destination address before I leave and add a required arrival time. Waze should then calculate the best route and by monitoring traffic give me a notification by when i should leave in real time to allow me to arrive on time. This would allow me maximum time at my current destination before I need to depart.
Du Toit
South Africa -
Safely Driven Quickly commented
This will only be reliable for short drives.
How lazy are you?
c commented
the point is, we should be able to set anytime in day that we wanna wanna arrive to this and this location at this and that time and Waze should notify what time i have to leave. cause traffic keeps on changing all the time.
c commented
THE PROBLEM: it's 4:00 afternoon, i have to get to someplace that takes an hour to drive (without traffic) all i know is "I wanna arrive at 8:30, if i check Waze now i'll see that it takes an hour, but if i leave 7:30 i'll bump into traffic and i won't be at me destination at 8:30
THE SOLUTION: add an option to set at 4:30 (anytime) my planned destination arrival time, and as traffic changes notify the customer what time he needs to leave. if traffic is adding up then notify him at 7:00 that he must leave now in order to get there 8:30.
I BET: this will be the most used option and the most appreciated on WAZE!!!
Brian commented
I totally agree, I live 45m-1hr away from home and I would like to be notified that traffic is building up on my route home that way I know that I can be home or a meeting close to home by a set time.
Mateus commented
Someone gave the idea of calculate what time you should leave to get to your destination by the time you want to. My idea is that this math should use a history of the traffic in the route. there's a road that always has traffic jam on Friday so when you plan a trip for let's say, leaving on the next day, it will warn you that based on the history, you will have to leave 1 hour earlier than schedule.
Oscar commented
Create a graph which shows the time it takes to reach work from home and vice versa. This would be very helpful to let us know what time to hit the road.
It can be easily done by recording the travel time every 10 minutes. And only necessary in and around rush hour.
Bertha commented
Alarm should be based on travel time even if it means the Waze app would need to be continually active to function. eg, If average travel time is 20 mins, but an accident occurs causing a 20 min delay, i would like to be alerted 40 mins head of time or immediately if there is less than 40 mins remaining to get there as it is.
Bertha commented
Alarm should be travel-time based. See other posting on alarms related to arrival time.
Sigal commented
Define navigation target with the requested arrival time to the target. Waze will keep on calculating until it will be time to start driving and will send me a message.
ColdLogic commented
Would be nice to see this integrated... but you can use this app in the meantime: can calculate the time to leave and it has an option that lets you open your route in Waze.
Dan Black commented
Time to leave alarm