Police Heat Map
What about a feature that shows popular police trap locations. There are locations in my town that are popular with police to setup speed traps. If those areas could glow blue like traffic areas glow red, I think that could be a great feature. If you could use the information that wazers report, then that info could be processed through an algorithm that show the high probability areas.
Tythesly commented
I would think this would be something for the Live Map to show... just for statistical purposes.
dr j commented
I realize that the "heat map" concept has been mentioned in the past and there are frequent postings about this concept. I did not find in my search of suggestions a practical algorithm to make this useful.
I think that the postings of random cars on side of road and detritus in the road result in too frequent notifications that are distracting. I do not think that simply adding alerts for every known speed trap is useful.
A useful modification would be to alert users of locations with frequent police sightings in the past say 30 days only if there are not at least 2-3 reported wazers less than ten minutes away from the driver. -
Withhold Seth commented
Waze, please provide ▪MOAR▪ detailed information to commuters
Waze needs to show moving sheriffs, travelling police, moving highway patrol to increase the safety of those they serve.
Show direction, velocity, acceleration, frequency, heat map, color coded aging of alert, credibilty, disallow removal by those within close proximity who are stationary, disallow removal of other alerts by those respectively stationary near other [recently] active alerts, disallow removal by those who only mark not-there, grant higher confidence to faster than herd commuters, provide ETA based on which percentile group of commuter, tie traffic alerts to marked police for better estimation of dissipation (with color coding).
○ sheriffs are in conspicuous vehicles in high contrast black & white
○ sheriffs wear uniforms to stand out from everyone else
○ finding sheriffs without waze is not difficult
These high visibility vehicles inspire panic in hand-to-mouth commuters oft resulting in
• unexpected breaking
• truly reckless behavior
• slowing without break lights
• rubber-necking caused mass delays increasing risk of rear-endings
Sheriffs driving both slower than the herd & slower than outdated posted limits benefit no one, obstruct commerce.
These facetious requests to censor map information is inanity & unamerican. Currently Sheriff Association is the whine festival.
♢ criminals intent on harming sheriffs will listen to police radio to find sheriff's location.
♢♢ should we ban radio use?
Less information obviously will not stop crime. Better information allows better decisions. Please don't treat everyone like criminals. Innocent until proven guilty? Remember!
More restrictions makes no one safe. Gun licensing and firearm right-suppression undermine right to life from conception to natural death, and demonstrably increases crime. Everyone has a RIGHT TO THE TRUTH.
The road is less safe with absurd limitations.
%▶ if safety: 9 mph
%▶ if pollution reduction or efficiency: 92 mph
Fast driving is not reckless. Slow driving can be reckless.
▶ roads are built for commerce
▶ commuters pay taxes
▶ cities don't exist to be profitable
▶ citizens aren't a money tree
Waze helps tax payers effect prudence.
● police should be pursuing those who perpetrate violence against others after a crime.
● police are not performing their sworn duty well by collecting artificial undemocratic taxes.
● highway patrol was created to help commuters with road-side difficulties prior to the age of wireless phones.
■ more information better
■ censoring is not better
■ do not treat everyone as a criminal
■ say NO to impoverishing efficiently driving commuters
■ fixed limits are outdated per se
■ dismiss with prejudice sheriff association inane request
May God bless America and its internets.
Gamma commented
hk commented
speeding is RARELY reckless commented
Hot, page 1, Heat Map
speeding is RARELY reckless commented
I see you've already noticed the EARLIER wildly popular Heat Map suggestion
Furfeather commented
Waze users can mark areas on the map where police are known to sit and trap frequently.
Ed commented
Just adding some votes and a comment, to hopefully move this up the development priority list. After all, how difficult to develop a simple algorithm to report "police frequently reported in this area"
Anonymous commented
Set up zones on maps/route where police are most often reported.
Leonardo Lombardi commented
I don't get why there is a police report feature in the first place.
What's the reason for reporting? To alert someone that is committing a crime, so he doesn't get caught. This is wrong. -
DiamantSK commented
When a police was marked on a road segment for example 2-3x a month, next month can be there a grayscale icon of cops as warning. By us we have places, where police likes to be often. Or let wazers to choose, for how long period they want to show places, where police was standing in past.
Mark commented
A nice idea but forgive my ignorance when wondering if cops will catch on and use the app to declare consistent "not there"'s.
Also when considering color-coding these zones please keep the color-blind in mind. Sounds ridiculous but it makes reading these maps torturous. -
Bob Buranich commented
Yeah , and im sure waze could could use the past report to get a idea of what times the cops are there at a day by day bases for on the likely hood of a cop being at that spot.
MGODLEW commented
I think Waze should take the user data and generate their own "known speed trap" locations for automatically generated warnings. This should require repeated posting of police in an area within a period of time, including those being Thanked to show that they are valid postings. Waze has the data to do this already and making it automatic will prevent abuse.
Anonymous commented
awesome idea! a open hotspot "heat map" would be cool too!
SpecialK commented
I like this...wish I had another vote to give!!
death Bye post commented
implemented completely waze could create a plugin system or offer adding mobile applications
death Bye post commented
I love everything in the first and second comments!
Anonymous commented
Heat maps would be great.