Create a Report category for "Faulty Traffic Lights"
Traffic lights are a major cause of traffic delays when out. Currently there is no way to report this specific problem.

Great news! The option to report the Traffic Lights that are out is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Sándor Fülöp commented
Hi, the Single file traffic lights are used when the junction or around the intersection is under construction. Firstly, we should be able to report these traffic lights/junctions. Secondly, we should have an option to avoid these junctions. Thanks for your consideration. Safe journey
Ursula Strydom commented
When connected to Android Auto the option to report a broken traffic light falls away. Please enable this for Android Auto
Richard Gravener commented
Dead robots are a huge concern in causing major traffic delays/hazards in Johannesburg South Africa. Currently we use "Hazard" and then have to manually type "Robot Faulty". Problem is you cannot type while driving. Would be nice to have a "one touch" icon for faulty robots.
Shane Tullett commented
Totally agree with needing a tap button for street lights not working, it is very difficult and dangerous to warn others while parked in the dark typing.
Bubujuanka commented
I thought your improvements are applied worldwide... This option is not available in the Dominican Republic! We need it!
Ian Walles commented
Broken/off traffic lights really needs to be an option in Android Auto, it's a much safer way to report the issue than using your phone.
Ian Walles commented
Broken traffic lights really needs to be an option in Android Auto, it's a much safer way to report the issue than using your phone.
Anonymous commented
It’d be nice to be able to mark a road/route as wide open or light traffic (when there are more cars than usual, so you are going the speed limit or just under).
Michael commented
Allow us to report non-sensing (timed only) traffic signals. Route GPS coords to DOT or state agencies and aggregate to show hot spots. Then traffic engineers can know better where to improve traffic timing. Super annoying to wait through red lights when no cars are using the cross-street or turn lanes!
J4N38D commented
Add an option to report when lights at intersections are down or flashing.
אלחנן אופנהיימר טל. 0524805805 commented
על מנת למנוע תאונות דרכים אני מציע שבצמתים בין עירוניים שאין בה רמזורים או מעגלי תנועה שהמערכת תתריע על תמרור " עצור " או זכות קדימה ( משולש ). הדבר חשוב במיוחד בכבישים חשוכים שאין בהם תאורה בלילה.
Enzo Gamarra Greco commented
Alerta para semáforos con mal funcionamiento ya sea por inclemencia del tiempo, corte de energia eléctrica o accidente
Enzo Gamarra Greco commented
Alerta para semáforos con mal funcionamiento ya sea por inclemencia del tiempo, corte de energia eléctrica o accidente
Anonymous commented
Was traveling at night and there was a power outage. Traffic and street lights were out. It was pouring rain, very dark, unexpected and dangerous.
Lainna Cohen commented
Why hasn't this been done yet???? This is a much needed feature!
fagner commented
nos campos de marcar barreiras, policia etc tivesse diversas opções de interesse público que administração publica tivesse acesso. exemplo, iluminaçao publica apagada, vazamento de agua.
Roberto van Gaalen commented
South Africa, lights out everyday. This would help a lot.
Anonymous commented
The ability to report flashing lights would be great. With a heads up from Waze I could find an alternate route. Even better would be where Waze uses this report to reroute wazers.
Carl Meserve commented
Already a thing
Anonymous commented
Sería bueno agregar la opción de reportar un semáforo dañado