Autozoom depending from speed
I like to have an autozoom depending from my travel speed that shows me a big area when driving fast and a detailed area when driving slow e.g. in the city.

available on version 2.2 onwards
Russell Berggren commented
I just thought it would be nice for it to zoom in on cities, towns and then zoom out on highways. It might be able to save data usage for normal use.
Jose Luis Lopez commented
BrutusNL commented
And please...make my selected zoomlevel stick. It happens every time when I halt at a traffic light that it scrolls through the reports and zooms out to a different zoom level. When I am moving again, it zooms back in to a completely different level.
FreeMan commented
I'd like to see road density included in the criteria for road drawing at lower zoom levels. A lot of my driving is rural where there is a cross road every mile. If I zoom out too far, all the roads disappear except for the main highway I'm on, if I zoom in to where I can see the cross roads, I can only 'see' a few hundred yards down the road. (though it's hard to tell that exactly, since there's no scale, but that's a whole 'nother issue)
Anonymous commented
Do not forget to implement it on Blackberry
Craig commented
Fixing the auto-zoom is definitely the biggest change that would make the overall app seem better. The zooming out to the point where you only have a blue line on the screen is WAY too much. At that point you might as well have pictures of the developers pets and children on the screen because it no longer serves as a GPS unit when there are no roads shown on the screen. The furthest level it should ever zoom out is where you can still see the freeway exits as you pass them on when on surface streets you should at least see the streets that you are passing even if you don't have names attached to everyone of them.
David Wolder commented
I find that often the client zooms out so much, I am looking at the entire city when driving at a walking pace! It's frustrating, and I have to continually zoom in. I would love to see a good autozoom, or at least, a pre-set zoom level that is setup in preferences to avoid too much of a zoom out.
Martin Tlustos commented
Well, in Android phones we have the autozoom feature already... although it tends to be too much zoomed out in cities.
award commented
I would like to see a speed-aware zoom when driving around (not routing), and retain the current behavior of zooming to the next turn while routing is in progress.
khaytsus commented
Same here, if the path you're on doesn't turn for a long time, the zoom is way out.. I like seeing more details, like where are undriven streets and bonuses. :)
Jose Luis Lopez commented
Agreed! In spain we're still beginning to draw roads, so most routes are not available, but even if no routing has been chosen the map should autoom based on your actual speed. I keep losing attention to the road trying to manually adjust zoom levels while driving :(