Detour capability
I would like for the ability to determine a detour to the current route. For example, if the highway you are on is blocked, slow or closed due to an accident, you can push a detour option/button and select the distance of the detour (1/2 mile, 1 mile, 2 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles...) or maybe the system can suggest the detour length based on what it knows of the traffic conditions ahead. Once your determined detour distance is exhausted, you are routed back to your original route. Many GPS Nav systems today have this capability/feature and is very useful. Garmin does this very well.

Anonymous commented
10 years later and Waze still doesn't have a "Detour' options!!!
Bill commented
To have more control over re-routing and detours, it would be great if Waze had a similar function to the ‘Detour’ option used by some Garmin Sat Navs. In the event of a hold up or road closure the Garmin allows the driver to choose a detour distance of either 1/2 a mile, 2 miles, 5 miles and 10 miles. This takes the driver the chosen distance around the blockage before returning to the planned route. This is particularly useful if you have to leave a Motorway for example because the lanes have been closed (and Waze doesn't yet know) due to an accident etc. It gets you back onto the planned route at the earliest opportunity without having to park up and re-plan the route.
Jon commented
A big ROUTE BLOCKED button would be great. You can't mark Freeways closed in the app so you're stuck not knowing where you are or where to go until you're several miles away from the closure and Waze calculates a route that doesn't take you back to the closed freeway junction.
Anonymous commented
completely agree. got caught in a jam due to accident today. It had been reported and if you know the area a detour was available but waze didn't suggest one and there is no option to ask for rerouting.
Anonymous commented
At the end of route do you need to stop waze or will this be done automatically
Anonymous commented
I am confused does waze currently have detour?
Anonymous commented
Very desirable feature - one of the handful of capabilities that motorists unpredictably need and have to depend on when the situation arises.
Ken Ahlbrand commented
If I weren't out of votes right now, this suggestion would get 3!
charles miller commented
I agree this would be an excellent feautre
Rob Falk commented
I can't believe it doesn't exist. Yesterday, Waze alerted me to a major accident, just as I approached the tail-end of an unexpected backup. I was able to U-Turn and head away from what was shaping up to be a road closure, but for the next 10 minutes, Waze kept trying to send me back into that morass. Thankfully, I was in an area where I had a vague idea of an alternate route, so I ignored it, but a simple detour button - the kind found on ALL other route guidance systems - would be very, very useful.
My Magellan would notice any kind of slowdown or stoppage on a route and a pop up asking if I needed a detour would appear. Surely, Waze could offer something even more elegant?