More Road Closure Options
While navigating, if a road is closed, we have the option to enter that a turn is closed. You can enter construction, with temporary, or "several hours", or "several days". You should be able to enter times. For example, a road near my work is only open from 530am - 6pm M-F. There is no way to submit that.
Stephanie commented
Roadworks: Ability to report single lane closure on dual carriageways and multi-laned roads. Ability to specify when lane closure results in two-way traffic being reduced to a single lane (through temporary traffic lights/manual traffic control.)
John Parkyn commented
Definitely need a option for mobile traffic lights
Ricky commented
Add a new report for temporary traffic lights on car play dashboard, so we don’t have to only put roadworks as sometimes there is no roadwork just a lane block on one way traffic
Spencer Mosher commented
Ok not sure why my suggestion was merged with this one. My suggestion was not a "road closure". But a better visual for construction zones, the ability to add temporary speed limits for the construction zone and the ability to close lanes, which would show up on the navigation.
Nathan commented
Already exists.
App: no
Map editor: Yes. select the road segment and add restriction that has a known start and end date
Austin Catron commented
1000% support this idea
Spencer Mosher commented
Bump. Suggestion from talk on the discord today.
After enough construction warning votes it will generate a MP in WME.
Editors can set an approximate date for completion, but users driving through can confirm or lift it (or maybe it takes so many votes to lift based on the type of road). -
Guzzzzler commented
Not needed since Waze automatically opens the road when cars start to drive through.
ItsEric commented
There are countless examples of accidents in construction zones in our news and on YouTube. Providing waze users with a heads up to construction zones is a wise move that improves driving safety for everyone. I fully support this idea.
Spencer Mosher commented
Per conversation on the editors discord, it would be nice to have a black and orange dashed line which would indicate construction zones in Waze. This way drivers would get an alert and know to slow down if there are any speed restrictions. A temporary speed limit and lane closure information would be given to the user. Temporary lane restrictions would be only done by authorized users. Users of the app would be able to indicate construction zones similar to marking a road closure. If the construction is ongoing, a Waze editor could extend the timeline of it in the WME.
clodson douglas commented
Boa noite, me chamo clodson e gostaria de sugeri uma sugestão para incluir uma opção para que nós usuários informa-se á vocẽs quando alguma rua estiver interditada por feiras livres ou algum outro motivo a onde não se pode passar, para que o waze trace um outro caminho desviando dessas vias. agilizando para os demais usuários e melhorando cada vez mais o serviços prestado por vocês.
sgt commented
poner mejor cortes carreteras.
a dia de hoy solo te deja justo donde esta y cortar un cacho de carretera. claro para informar a mas usuarios deberían dejar el tramo entero carretera. o planificar desde web decir esta carretera desde aqui hasta aqui estara cortada desde 9 a 20:00 seria mejor -
Justin N commented
All over the country there are farmers markets and other events that close down streets for the same time duration, same day of the week, every week throughout the year. Instead of me having to enter the same 4 hour road closure every Tuesday from 3 PM to 7 PM there should be an option to enter a reoccurring road closure.
Anonymous commented
a closed path development with certain clock / time model. because for safety reasons every alley/ road will be closed for example (at 11 pm - 05 am). The schedule is usually fixed every day. I hope this scheduling can come true. to facilitate the users in reaching the destination location.
Erin commented
Add a marker for hours routes are usable/unusable. I live near a military installation and not all gates are open 24/7, but WAZE directs to the nearest gate, whether or not it's open and operating. The same, I'm sure, would be good for ferry routes that do not run all night.
Anonymous commented
I would love it if you guys could make a Waze app that would be best for Mardi Gras and other parades that we have a New Orleans so that we can maneuver around road closures and other types of obstacles and that the GPS can guide us around these to the we can get to our destinations without any problems
matsalka commented
Already done
Thomas Marx commented
There are some roadworks in my area. The street is reopened but the map shows that it ist closed.
When waze detects that I drive through the closed route let it ask if the route is opened again and update (remove the roadworks) the map. -
Tc Holmes commented
I'm guessing this won't happen in the app. If you would like to schedule future closures it can be done now on the Waze Maps Editor online.
Kevin Larson commented
Have a future road closed option with parameters. for instance on June 5th you see a sign that says "Road will be closed June 15-20, 10pm-5am each day." Even a way to tag it and report details later when not distracted from driving would be nice and helpful for others.