carpool in eùrope
When is the carpool possible in Europe?
Thanks to let me know

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
SoÖruZ 13 commented
Ce serai vraiment génial. Même simplement ajouter (pendant la durée du développement) un signalement "Auto-stop". Permettant de mettre en commentaire une destination.
En plus, cela améliore la sécurité de tout le monde car les conducteurs sont avertis qu'il y a quelque chose sur la route (un piéton marchant sur au bord de la route). -
Daniel Lauton commented
FRANCE (pas de virus, c'est un descriptif, merci.
Abi commented
Waze is now popular in the UK and can help streamline and make carpooling easier
Anonymous commented
In Norwegian cities, electric cars are allowed to drive in the bus lane when they carry passengers.
Using Waze to carpool would help congestion.
Therefore you should enable carpooling in Norway as well :)
Anonymous commented
it's a fonction that we need in france