Offer a satellite view of the map.
I like how Google maps gives me the satellite view. Why doesn't Waze do that?

Thank you for this idea!
We will not be adding a satellite layer to the client. Waze is trying to provide the best driving experience which is smooth and simple and provide drivers with the right amount of information needed to get to places. While satellite layer is great to have for exploration and panning “offline”, we don’t think it’s going to benefit drivers on the go that much and therefore we’re not going to move in that direction in the foreseeable future.
Nas commented
Need a Satellite view please
Danielle commented
Need satellite version! Also, is there a way like with Google maps that you can type in two diff addresses for to and from? I only see where to on Waze
MARC PIERRE commented
Waze would be the best if it only had satellite view. Come on Waze! What's up with that???? Please make it happen I will pay.
Billie Bakker commented
Satellite view please
Anonymous commented
Please add satellite view!
Darieyn, Pamela, Brandon commented
Satellite view helps me understand maps more than cartoonized versions of the road
Mary Bibeault commented
Def need satellite view
Martin Williamson commented
Please, I would really like satellite view in waze, this one feature makes me use google maps more than waze... but maybe thats why google wont let you enable it?
Anonymous commented
Def satellite view is needed to be competitive
Anonymous commented
I use satellite view ALL THE TIME. I find it extremely useful when finding a good location and finding the right house number. Satellite view NEEDS ato be added. 10/10 would use it!
Anonymous commented
You gotta give us satalite view
John Orr commented
Really needs satellite view
John Orr commented
Please add an option for satellite view
Anonymous commented
Have an arrow icon option for motorcycles.
Have a satellite view like Google.
Have the option to change or put where an added stop goes, not just before an initial endpoint. -
William Rooks commented
Yes! Thats why i uninstall now
anónimo commented
uso gps do Google á muito tempo agora baixei o waze mais notei que não tem a opção de visualização de satélites no App para mim á navegação se torna melhor dessa forma teria alguma possibilidade de ter essa opção?
Anonymous commented
I would like to see a satellite view also!
Gary Hall commented
Desperately need. Would make Waze a 10/10
Aaron commented
Please add satellite view to waze. You already use Google maps why not add satview?
Brad Gillespie commented
Satellite view gives context. Please add it to Waze.