Offer a satellite view of the map.
I like how Google maps gives me the satellite view. Why doesn't Waze do that?

Thank you for this idea!
We will not be adding a satellite layer to the client. Waze is trying to provide the best driving experience which is smooth and simple and provide drivers with the right amount of information needed to get to places. While satellite layer is great to have for exploration and panning “offline”, we don’t think it’s going to benefit drivers on the go that much and therefore we’re not going to move in that direction in the foreseeable future.
Tommy commented
This is what I've been saying for years. I remember suggesting it to the Waze admin as well.
Stephen Richard Slater commented
Yes please I think this would be very useful.
Advntrous1 commented
We really need this. Along with the famous voices. Haven't seen any lately
Anonymous commented
Great using
Anonymous commented
I would like to use Stalite pictures
Anonymous commented
Me too!
F chu commented
Make Head up augmented reality Display directly onto the windscreen of the car
Anonymous commented
They will not do it because they are a bunch of geek cunts that don't give a fuck
Anonymous commented
Fuckkkkkkkk yeaaaaaaaaa
Anonymous commented
Satellie view PLEASE
Anonymous commented
Sherry commented
Yes!!! Please!!!
Sherry commented
For those of us who doesn't have an iphone, etc; it would be GREAT if you offered a mobile GPS for to use in ones vehicle. Satellite GPS. To plug/connect into an outlet ... like a Garmin for instance. I love your APP, but I have no iphone . Please make a GPS device available to us who are without cellular service. Thanks so much...Sherry
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
The map can be set with a different view? Satellite/ hybrid or normal
Anonymous commented
I think we should be able to choose if we want to see the regular Waze map, a satellite map, or a tropographic map.
Anonymous commented
Dmytro Berbasov commented
Many users have different ideas. Not everybody needs them. Some we did not think about, they might be useful later. Why not to create something like app store, so we can add the feature we like and we will leave suggestions which will become reality. (People will have different customizations, 3D views, satellites maps, connected services). And stop waiting for new update, and be frustrated when your desired feature is till not there.
Chas Hudson commented
please put ability to use satellite view on maps as you can on google and apple maps.
Anonymous commented
Queria sugerir, desenvolver para o app do waze, a opção de visualizar o app com imagem de satélite, podendo assim, o usuário ver qual ele prefere usar. Seria uma maneira de diminuir o erro do usuário do usuário no escolher uma rua no lugar de uma avenida, como tem acontecido e aparecendo em jornais.