Show average speed when in an average speed zone
Show average speed when in an average speed zone

Miś_Pierdziś commented
Please add it. It is very important to have.
Carlos Pastor Rodríguez commented
Mi sugerencia es que, durante los radares de tramo, apareciese la velocidad media que llevas en ese tramo para poder controlar que no has rebasado el límite de velocidad permitido
Philip Jones commented
Waze now gives us a length covered whilst in an average speed zone which is excellent. Can I suggest that the average speed travelled at through the zone is also shown on screen. After all it is the speed at which you travel is monitored by those cameras. Cheers.
Darek commented
yes, asap
Andrzej Hawryluk commented
Pavel Novák commented
Marek Grzywa commented
Arek commented
Maciej commented
Very good idea
Deeggo commented
Wow, this suggestion is 12y old. And it was much needed back then already.
Mike commented
Does anyone know that if i turn on waze and google maps, waze will continue to run in the backround. I like to have it on so i can get speed trap notices but i prefer the layout of google maps and i dont get speed trap notices on it
Wojciech Racek commented
Come on Waze team. Please add it. Avg speed + distance to the end of the zone.
ciberboy commented
Current Waze implmentation warns when we enter an average speed zone, but doesn't show either progress (in Portugal it can take dozens of kilometers) neither shows the current average. Would be critical to have such a feature. Can we push this please?
Anonymous commented
In Italy we have many Tutors, even in particularly flat and wide areas, which can lead you to get the average speed wrong. It would be very important.
M4rc072 commented
I hope you think again because it would be really useful
AlZan commented
Travelling in a controlled speed road, I realized that it would be very useful having the continuous indication of the average speed held during that section of road.
This should not be difficult as all paremeters are available and it is enough some calculation impolementation.
Speed indication could be placed in the left of the screen, instead of the triangle, on the bar indicating the distance to the end of the controlled path.
Thanks a lot.
Aldo -
Roman Dymak commented
Even my internal car navigation in KIA can do it. It should be so easy to implement this feature as speed zones are already there with green line on screen......
Rich White commented
Come on Waze, this response was nearly two years ago now. Is there an update to this please?
Or does it need raising as a new request again? -
Kamil Wiśniewski (Ohar) commented
Needed in Poland
A lot of new speed limit zones appears last years
Not only in Poland but also in other European countries
Users will love this feature for sure to avoid using other app like Tom TomOf course it should work also with Apple CarPlay and android auto
Lenny_on_the_road commented
@Waze Team: This is the only functionality in Waze that I now really miss during my daily drives (I use it in conjunction with Apple CarPlay)! It is a small addition, but one that would be very handy and adds to safety on the road. Now I am forced to use another app that does have this feature, while I prefer to use Waze.
We are now 2 years later (!) after the message that it does not fit on your roadmap, but there are more and more of these kind of route controls in Europe, so not only in the Netherlands this would be a useful feature, but everywhere in Europe. Please add! Especially in the Netherlands this would make many people happy who now do not bother to post here on this forum. Hopefully you guys will consider this feature again. Thanks!