Show speed limits for the roads currently traveling
Post the current speed limit when using the speedometer feature

Erin commented
If you have an alarm feature, I would hope it can be disabled. I could see that annoying people. I also personally would rather be able to ONLY see the speed limit in the corner, not my current speed. My speedometer can tell me that, and it just takes up more map space.
Hamilton commented
Very good, and I hope it will also include an alert sound when exceeding the speed limit, similar to the Nokia's navigation sistem HERE
Hamilton -
Daniel Camara commented
GREAT they changed the status to Planned, any forecast of when/which release we can expect this?
Anonymous commented
Thanks do much for adding this to an great travel app!
Jean-Paul Hackett commented
A very useful update IMHO.
Ed Brehm commented
Yes, yes, yes! Adding the speed limit would be soooo helpful. Thanks for making the app better and better.
Patelski commented
Surtout Qu'il N'y a pas des panneaux partout au moment où Où nous Voulons savoir à Quelle vitesse NOUS Devons rouler. Sur Sygic logiciel Anglais CELA Existes DEPUIS Longtemps.
Anonymous commented
Great, i am looking foreward this new feature
Anonymous commented
Excellente idée
L'ajout d'un avertissement sonore de dépassement constituerait également un plus. -
Scott wright commented
Just like the Tom Tom this is one great idea to have for two reasons
1 navigation routing then can be faster. It can keep you on faster routes than turning on to roads that are perhaps 15 mph
2 it is easier to glance at your GPS system if you have not seen a speed limit sign.Settings could be an adible alert and or a flashing red screen showing you are exeeding the speed limit by 5 mph
Editing, touch the road by touching the screen or say waze edit road, edit speed, 25 mph, and for that block or 1000 feet, the road will reflect that New speed limit. You could have a message for the next 5 unique users who go one this road and verify "New speed limit is 25 mph, is this correct yes or no?"
Anonymous commented
I agree, speed limits is a must!! They have changed the speed limit to 20 MPH at many streets in London, and I get confused sometimes if I am at a 20 or 30 mph zone!!
Ludivine commented
Dear Waze team,
Please kindly do the necessary to add this really important feature in your next app updates...
This feature is available on all others GPS apps. Why not on Waze ?
It would be much appreciated by French users...
Many thanks in advance. -
Anonymous commented
I think speed limits is one of the major features waze is missing right now that old GPS systems I used to use had and were a key feature. Waze needs to integrate this into their app ASAP.
Paulo Machado commented
I made a patent for an interface between the waze and the vehicle in order to adjust the speed according to the speed limit on public roads , thus enabling a more secure , peaceful direction and within the traffic rules , minimizing risk of fines for speeding, car accidents and contribute to a better fluidity of the road . This device can be enabled or disabled at the discretion of the driver or the possible and future traffic laws.
Daniel Camara commented
This is not a big deal only when you are in a region where you know more or less. Indeed I really missed this now I am moving to a different part of the country, it is a MUST! People who said otherwise is either because they didn't understand what is it about, or because they drive allways over the same roads. I was sure it was there somewhere, just not activated, it was a surprise to me to learn that it is not implemented!
Pascal Duc commented
speed display : red more speed, green ok ( but data on wme), grey : no data on wme !
crono commented
I hope that Waze will have indications about speed limits, that it will make the perfect driver assistance app.
Otherways a better application will appear someday in the near future. -
Giancarlo commented
Like I said and asked on other posts for this type of suggestion... Will you be willing to check every single segment in the WME to make sure that it has the appropriate speed limit? If so, you'll get my vote. Otherwise it's a big NO for me. I already have to deal with too many senseless wazer reports and map problems and will probable never care or have time for checking if all map segments have the correct speed limit...
Giancarlo commented
If you are willing to edit the entire map yourself to make sure that all segments in the editor have the appropriate speed limit, then you'll get my vote and full support. Otherwise this will only be a paramount task for the usual editors that have other (more important IMO) problems to attend in the map editor.
Paul Bijlsma commented
Would really like this. Not to replace the speedometer though. I like seeing the more accurate gps speed compared to the car's meter. A combined speed/max speed indicator would be good. Max speed editable by user community?