Turn off the 'car info' button. Can't tell where I am with it there... ridiculous. .
Turn off the 'car info' button. Can't tell where I am with it there... ridiculous. .

Thank you for your suggestion!
This suggestion will not be implemented for the time being, since we’re focusing on features which would potentially benefit larger groups of Wazers.
Stay tuned for more features and updates on Waze’s social pages on Facebook and Instagram
Timothy Felinski commented
It would be nice if once we chose the option under car info, the button would be removed from the map display. it takes up valuable space when trying to navigate. The "fix" used to be putting the screen in landscape mode, but apparently that doesn't work anymore. please fix this!
Jorge Quinchagual commented
Molesta bastante el icono de coche en la pantalla principal, saquenlo por favor