Addresses in Colombia
Addresses are pretty easy to implement in Colombia, they have 2 components. The main road being it a Calle or Carrera most of the time, and the House number, made of two parts, The intersection with the opposing road, for example a Carrera would intersect with a Calle and viceversa, and the distance from the intersection. For example, Calle 45 #67-85 would be 85 meters after the intersection of Calle 45 and Carrera 67, on Calle 45 going towards calle 68. It would be pretty easy, and really convenient for users in Colombia.
Thank you for this suggestion.
We are aware of this need since address fields are ordered differently from one country to the other.
Providing this flexibility in address fields is planned but it’s out of current scope so we can’t share a timeline at the moment.
We will keep the community posted, so stay tuned!
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Krys commented
The addresses with house numbers 4B-XX or any subset of a street or road are not correctly found by waze or for that matter by google. For example:
Carrera 39 #4B-20 Cali, can not be found. It does not find a subset with the "B".
Same applies to Calle 2 oeste #4B-11. It does not find it. -
Jorge A Restrepo D commented
Nomenclatura urbana usada en Medellín y en muchas otras ciudades colombianas
Calles (C o Cl): Sentido vial Este-Oeste. La numeración de las calles aumenta de Sur a Norte (o de Norte a Sur cuando tienen el sufijo “Sur”).
Carreras (K o Cr): Sentido vial Norte-Sur. La numeración de las carreras aumenta de Este a Oeste (o de Oeste a Este cuando tienen el sufijo “Este”).
Diagonal (D o Dg): Sentido vial Noreste-Suroeste. Asumen la numeración de la carrera más cercana.
Transversal (T o Tr): Sentido vial Sureste-Noroeste. Asumen la numeración de la calle más cercana.
Circular (V o Cq): Vías de forma circular. Pueden tener numeración independiente o continuar la de las calles o carreras más cercanas.
Circunvalar(Cirv): Vía que rodea el perímetro urbano de la ciudad.
Avenidas (Av): Denominación adicional dada a ciertas vías por su alto flujo vehicular independiente de si son calles, carreras, transversales, etc.La numeración de las vías es secuencial pero no necesariamente continua y está constituida por un número de hasta tres dígitos, acompañado a veces por un literal de hasta dos letras de la A a la H. Por ejemplo: Carrera 64C, Calle 33EE.
La Dirección de un inmueble está compuesta por la Vía sobre la cual se encuentra ubicado, la placa y el apéndice o interior, si lo tiene.
La Placa de un inmueble está compuesta por el número del Cruce o Crucero con la vía de menor nomenclatura, y la distancia aproximada en metros que hay desde éste hasta el acceso del inmueble, utilizándose un número par si el inmueble está en el costado oriental de la Carrera o Diagonal, o en el costado Norte de la Calle o Transversal, e impar en los casos contrarios.Por ejemplo, si una casa está localizada en el costado Norte de la Calle 50, a 45 metros de la Carrera 24 y 30 metros de la Carrera 25, la Placa de la casa sería "24-46" (ó "24 46") y la Dirección sería "Calle 50 #24-46", "Calle 50 24-46" o simplemente "Cl 50 24 46".
Anonymous commented
It's also importnt to know that odd numbers are on one side of the street and even numbers in the on the other side, according to the direction of the road even numbers will be at the right side.
Marco Mei commented
Very useful suggestion.
alejandro commented
i´m the novel user on waze , and i post because i´m drive everyday in the night , when i started the navigation every time i most put the direction on this way (calle 34 carrera 20) and when i arrive the direction , start to looking for the rest of the direction ; my point is on the same way andres soler.
pmaten commented
I agree. The whole country can benefit from this as we don't need to manually put numbers on houses because they can be automatically be infered from the intersection and distance in meters from the second component.
Currently, in Colombia you can find intersection by searching as follows:
'Calle 46 Carrera 57', waze finds intersection between the streets named 'Calle 46' and 'Carrera 57'
'Calle 46 57', Waze usually gets this right, and finds intersection between the streets named 'Calle 46' and 'Carrera 57'. I guess it finds the substring '57' in 'Carrera 57'.
What needs to be implemented, is that Waze understand a third element in the address (second component in a house number), which is the distance in meters. This is really important because the driving direction is incomplete in the intersection, you still need to get into the street and depending on how Waze got the direction to the intersection, you may get to the intersection but be unable to turn toward the destination street.
Google Maps understands this, so you can try searching the following addresses to get an idea of how it works:
Calle 41 # 74-20 Medellín - Antioquia, Colombia
Calle 41 # 74-50 Medellín - Antioquia, Colombia
Calle 41 # 74-80 Medellín - Antioquia, ColombiaThey seem to work fine with or without the '#' symbol.