Sorry to upset all of the folks asking for more features to warn of police presence but this is a childish feature which should be removed. Waze is a great app and you would be best served by taking the "high road" and promoting the app as an aid to road safety by making drivers aware of road situations and hazards. But many wazers like me have their kids also driving and I am just waiting with dread for the day that a fellow wazer tells a drunken driver how to avoid a policeman and then that drunk driver kills the wazer's kid. The police are mainly there for our safety - protect our kids and don't tell dangerous drivers where the police are!!
robert entwistle commented
Don't remove the "police report". It helps so many drivers to slow down. I remember reading that one police station sued a driver for flashing his high beams to warn other cars of police up a head. The judge ruled against the police station.
I don't drink, but would love to avoid having to spend time going through a police checkpoint. Also, will Waze be in trouble one day for my not reporting pothole ahead which resulted in some car behind me hitting it and getting into an accident with someone being killed.
It is free speech to share information with others. And, some people may use that information in a wrong way. But, why would I be responsible for that. We must not make rules because of the few who do wrong. We already have too many rules.
Also, if Waze remove the "police ahead" function, there will be another app that will rise up and add it. I will then use their app. Keep freedom alive!!
robert garfinkle commented
Police have no jurisdiction over WAZE.
If we remember the days of cb radio, when truckers reported where smokey bears were at - there was nothing illegal about that. Same thing.
Police cannot force people through a checkpoint. There are no laws which dictate that drivers must go through them. That is illegal search and seizure.
So, a driver gets to a checkpoint, them makes phone calls to others stating don't come this way. No laws are broken there, no difference than a cb radio.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Officer commented
As a police officer, I find the ability for others to report my exact location disturbing. For those of you who choose to use this feature, I hope you are prepared to explain to my wife and kids why you felt it necessary to alert potential threats to ready their minds and weapons for their enemy ahead. This “way of the road” may seem like a courteous act, but in fact you may be instrumental in the murder of yet another public servant. This, and obviously making our job of detecting DUI’s, speeders, and other threats to your own family’s livelihood near impossible. My family and I would appreciate seeing this enabling feature done away with. For your consideration.
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Officer
Anonymous commented
As much as these police traps are great for people who continuously (and dangerously) speed or text/talk on the phone, I find that alerting where the police are is scary for us safe drivers.
Also, by alerting where the police are, if, for example, a child were to be kidnapped, all they will need to do is go to Waze, avoid all police traps and be free. This alone should be a great reason to remove police traps!
I use this app often - I really do enjoy it! It gets me to where I need to go and avoid traffic (most of the time).
Please consider removing the police hiding locations. There was a child who's been missing in our city and he's not been found - its been months. There was a truck in the area but, police have not found them for questioning....can't help but think that perhaps Waze helped him escape and avoid police traps.
Thank you for reading. -
non pelf commented
That inane position is well REFUTED below by Withhold Seth
Frederic commented
And help drivers on speed control to!!!!!
Anonymous commented
If you warn of police posts, you are being an accomplice of possible criminals, drunkards at the wheel, drug traffickers ... No to police warnings, cancel that possibility of the application!
Si avisas de puestos de policía, estás siendo cómplice de posibles delincuentes, borrachos al volante, narcotraficantes.....No a los avisos de policía, anulen esa posibilidad de la aplicación!!!!
Jamie commented
I'm not a Jerk who wants people to get cited for speeding. I'm human, and I speed sometimes too, but the reason I am requesting is more important than getting a citation. These days, Police Officers can't be anywhere without having their head on a swivel just to make sure no one is walking up to ambush them as they sit in their patrol vehicles, just doing their jobs. The Police marker feature IS super useful for most of us Wazers, but at the same time, it is giving anyone who may wish or plan to ambush an officer a literal road map of where Officers are sitting, many times alone. This is not the first time I have suggested this, and I understand some people being unwilling to vote to take down the feature that drew many Wazers to the app in the first place, but is it really worth putting our Officers lives in more danger than they already face daily in the process of keeping the rest of us safe? I would rather get a citation because I was speeding than know that the officer that I passed and tagged on Waze was ambushed in his car and killed by someone who had Waze up on their phone. I'd rather pay the fine than know that I contributed to that, however unwillingly. Thank you for your consideration! I know this request would mean making a big sacrifice on everyone's part to put into action, and I hope that all of you wonderful people, my fellow Wazers, also value life over a stupid citation.
Nick commented
you people who are drunk are using waze ?
Nick commented
total crap .... puts the office in danger?? he's the one putting himself in danger by parking in the center divide inches from vehicles doing 70mph, and all so he can make his quota ..lol
Nick commented
oh PLEASE, who are you kidding? Can you cite ONE incident of a WAZE user tracking a police officer with the intent to cause harm or injury ?? Most police officers who die in the line of duty, are either hit by a vehicle or die from crashing their own vehicle. CHP in Ca have become tax collectors, they couldn't care less about road safety issues, it's all about writing tickets. In fact, altering drivers to incidents or police ahead, makes them slow down ! duh
Rarebit commented
If you would do a democratic vote on it, most people would vote to keep it in Waze. Regardless whether some idiots could abuse it to drive drunk and get around police controls.
Hello, Waze? How about extinguishing the police presence warning tool. It is being used for evil. Another assassin driving drunk ended up with two families in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. He always posted on social networks and on Waze where the blitz were.
Come on, Waze. Shall we end this feature? He does not bring any kind of good. -
Anonymous commented
This is fucking stupid shut up. By noting theres an officer near by, it automatically makes people drive more careful. no ones gonna pull up on an OP and shoot them. Pull your head out from your ass.
Thanks. -
Christer commented
I agree to remove the police warning function. Why actively support those who wants to avoid the police? Support us to report potential dangers, but please do not make it harder for the police to do their job.
Feenando commented
My suggestion is that you withdraw the possibility of marking the presence of the police. It is very irresponsible to give thieves this tool. Or do you think only good citizens use the application? You reduce everything the possibility of blitz (which is wrong to show, because drunk drivers kill a lot of people), but forget that armed thugs, hijackers and thieves will also avoid the police route not to get caught.
Anonymous commented
I recently learned of this app and the police locator. As the daughter of a deputy, I find this sickening. These officers are out there everyday working 12 hours shifts and dealing with stupid people all day everyday. Their lives are in enough danger as it is. It is so incredibly stupid that someone would give others the ability to know where officers are. You would be amazed at how many blue lives are taken every year and the number is increasing. I would suggest that anyone that uses this feature also download the ODMP (Officer Down Memorial Page) app as well so that you can see what you could be contributing to. This feature needs to be removed because it is endangering the lives that protect yours.
Mechsoldier commented
Exactly to Gamma and a big screw you and your b.s. lies to police:
Cops barely ever even stop to help anymore. If you aren't a white chick standing by your car they're not stopping. The last 2 or 3 times I've been broken down I've watched multiple officers just roll right by.
Research has proven that doing even 80 or 90 is no less dangerous than 60 given proper road conditions.
Germany had the highest speed limits in the world, unlimited on many Autobahn sections and even when limited often 80 mph about.
Yet they have some of the lowest per capita accident and fatality rates.
If you want to see protecting and serving the public check out the model in Europe. Officers don't patrol by vehicle searching for trouble. They are trained in de-escalation tactics, and most of them hang at the station waiting for a crime to ACTUALLY serve. If they are in public at all they're on foot just walking around the city making sure people safe. The normal officers don't have to carry guns because they are actually trying to help people not correct revenue. When there's a real threat they get reinforcements who ARE weaponixed.
It leads to less officer deaths, less dead civilians, less assaults because some cop decided he saw a source of revenue and wanted to be John Wayne.
I wish more people could see how EVERYBODY else does it. Policing is dead wrong in the US.
NOBODY is rolling up on you to hurt you that wouldn't have already because they saw you on their own.
Mechsoldier commented
This is why I WANT police reporting. Especially we need police in motion reporting.
Somebody thinking of drinking and driving may just see the police presence and change their mind.
The police are NOT parked on the highway for our safety they're there to generate revenue.
I lived in Germany 3 years. Police in Germany aren't out patrolling, they don't radar at all other than they will park a wagon or truck on the side of the road as a speed trap.
The police don't drive around looking for reasons to pull people over. They're at the station ready to move out to a call other than foot patrols on weekend nights and stuff.
And they have portions if hwy with speed limit at all, yet they have much lower fatality and accident rates per capita.
Speeds in excess of 80 are really no more dangerous than 60. It's bs. It's all for revenue.
Anonymous commented
You're an idiot and you don't live in the real world. A person should be able to do anything they want to do as long as they don't hurt someone else. Now it would be a good idea to give users the ability to track drunk drivers if you see a drunk driver to report it. But the fact that somebody sitting behind a desk somewhere tells me that it's legal to drive 55 one day and they can change the law of the next day and make the speed limit 65 is pure nonsense.
People just need to take responsibility for their own actions. Not to mention that in some states the pit the fines for these traffic infractions are ridiculous which it should be illegal in itself. For example in Florida not wearing a seat belt is like $125 ticket in Georgia it's something like a $15 ticket. When frankly it's nobody's business if I'm wearing the seatbelt or not if I'm stupid enough to not wear one and go through the windshield and died it thins out the gene pool.