"xx min ago" on alert popup
add age of the report to the popup when alerting the driver about police/speed trap, hazard, accident etc.
it does not take much space, but will be very informative and useful for Wazers - to know, when does the report was commited
Vladislav Rybak commented
Making the police icon more and more transparent until it disappear if no new reports were received
Chuck T. commented
I recently drove from FL to NH and spent more time indicating that Police, accidents, hazards of all kinds weren't there anymore.
If the police pull someone over they generally aren't there more than 1/2 hour or so. Vehicles on the side of the road sometimes stop for just a few minutes but could be there 2-3 hours waiting for service.
Why not start a timer appropriate to the type of report and when it counts down to zero remove it. Whenever someone confirms the hazard, restart it.
I would think you have the data in your system to develop appropriate "lives" for the different hazards.
CarstenJ71 commented
traffic jams should bear the "age" i.e. the minute when reported in the badge, so users with local experience could feel if jam might be gone or if still there :)