You guys should include the LPG(GNV in portuguese) as a fuel option in the gas stations fuel prices tab...
The crescent use of LPG as fuel will demand this functionality...
List of fuel types displayed in app per country is editable by country managers. Please contact your local Waze editing community for more information.
Anonymous commented
Seria muy bueno que los usuarios puedan ver las gasolineras así como los precios de LPG (GLP) que hay a lo largo de un viaje.
João Miguel commented
There was already a LPG option but waze removed it some updates ago.
Why was it removed? -
Julio Jesús Merelo Jerez commented
Introducir combustible GLP (Autogas)
Felipe Belmar Torres commented
Por favor, agreguen el combustible GLP O LPG, yo trabajo mucho con lpg en mi carro y varios taxistas al rededor del mundo más que también utilizan Waze. Gracias!
Wilfred Rocco commented
I'm totally agree with this. In our country, Chile, we have a small but important quantity of LPG stations... and numbers are rising.
Adam Dhamanhuri commented
yes, I am agree. In Indonesia we have a new type of fuel. It call Pertalite
Anonymous commented
Ja LPG auf jeden Fall
Alberto Da Silva commented
Poder introducir coche con LPG y señalar gasolineras con LPG
Roberto commented
Más tipos de combustible
lrafaelrj commented
Hello, I think that it would be interesting to include New Types of Fuel in the Waze App.
It can be applied to E85, Electric Stations, Flex, Premium, LPG etc.
For example: in Brazil we have GNV (Natural Gas). There are more than 2mi cars with this fuel, but not every gas station has it. When we`re travelling it`s hard to find some gas stations. If Waze had this option, it would be possible to Local People add the gas stations that they know and its price.
I`m sure that this can be applied for many different countries and would help A LOT of users.
My suggestion is that the Country Managers could admin which Fuels should be enabled in their countries.Thanks!!
lrafaelrj commented
The Country Admins should be able to edit which types of fuel are common in their country!!
Renato Giovani Barroso commented
More one information.. Here in Brazil there is aprox. 2 MILLIONusers of LPG/CNG/GNV Fuel!!
Renato Giovani Barroso commented
This is really needed for us here in Brazil, there isn't too many CNG gas stations and Waze can help-us a lot adding this function to locate a station!
Gabriel commented
Alô Waze! rsrs ajuda aí
Anonymous commented
Vamos ver se sai !!
Newton Valginhak commented
Espero que agora implante.
Amarildo Costa commented
Vamo q vamo ajudar o povo do gnv
Leo Araujo commented
Postos de GNV por favor.
Anonymous commented
I agree... LPG is not that uncommon, so it should be included in the fuel options for gas stations.
Jessica commented
Eu pagaria pra ter informações dos postos GNV!