Ajouter le carburant E85 (éthanol)
Ajouter le carburant E85 (éthanol) dans les préférences carburant. Merci et bravo pour cette application!
List of fuel types displayed in app is configurable per country by country managers. Please contact your local Waze editing community for more details.
Le corse commented
Ajouter les stations service essence E85.
Anonymous commented
More and more cars use E85 fuel, it could be useful To have this and gas station providing this !
Buzz-Buzz- commented
Bonjour, comment peut-on ajouter le carburant SuperEthanol sur waze et retrouver les stations-service sur waze qui en vend.
Merci -
marzyeh commented
In Sweden we have five main car fuels.
95 unleaded, 98 unleaded, E85(ethanol), Diesel and Natural GAS.
But you can´t report natural gas price beqause there is no square
to fill it in....(stupid).
All the natural gas gasstations comes up when you search.
Alternative skip the 98 unleaded since almost none drives on it and put the natural gas there instead which is a fuel used by so many more.
How hard can this be?
Vote big time!!!! -
Anonymous commented
Et alors ? A quand le E85 dans les types de carburants ?
Oto commented
They have already E95 and E98 when it should read 95E and 98E ;)
JAFFELIN commented
Oui, roulant à l'E85 c'est effectivement encore plus pertinent avec ce carburant qui n'est pas distribué partout.
Anonymous commented
Vu que cela fait plus de 3 ans que cette demande a été proférée j'ai peu d'espoir qu'elle soit reçue. :-(
Anonymous commented
Serait il possible de rajouter les station E85 et GPL?
Anonymous commented
Yes it should be easy to add a new E85 station instead of "GPL". 500 E85 station in France, and I need another app to locate them...
Osterberger commented
Station essence éthanol à ajouter à waze
Osterberger commented
Il manque les stations E85 éthanol à waze
Anonymous commented
For gas station?
Anonymous commented
Bonjour Mr ou madame
Il faudrais mettre aussi les stations services équipé de l'essence E85
car nous somme de plus en plus a rouler a E85
Mr thenot -
Anonymous commented
Please make it possible to select CNG stations as wel as diesel 95, 98 and E85
Anonymous commented
Darwin Smith commented
Very much needed
sean kelley commented
Provide an option to flag gas stations as having e85 ethanol fuel for sale. The current setup only offers regular mid grade premium and diesel as filter options while searching gas stations. Having the ability to filter by e85 (its rather rare in some areas) would help folks out who are looking for flex fuels.
mikael commented
Je recherche également cette possibilité cela serait super.
Olivier commented
Quelqu'un a la solution ??