Lost Pet Section
How many times has your heart gone out to a dog lost at an intersection? What if you could help reunite the owner with two clicks of a button?
With Waze Lost Pet section, it is that easy.
Adding to the possible list categories, an option for Lost Pets would allow users to prevent accidents, reunite owners with missing pets, and even impact their local shelters by relieving some of the burden of overpopulation.
Waze is ideal for such concepts due to it's updates in real time and photo capable posting system. Such a concept would mean the difference between "just missed him" and "just found him", even allowing Wazer's to arrange a reunion between owner and pet all through this very app. The potential impact nationwide is immense, and would improve quality of life by reducing exploding dog populations quickly and efficiently and safely.
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
yuri commented
Yesterday I lost my dog , he ran off at 1600 but eventually came back at 2:00 am... for 8 hours I've been driving and walking around and even went to highway to check for the worst case scenarios. But my VERY FIRST idea was to check waze for road obstructions around me as I'd think someone could mark my dog as an obstruction on the road. I wanted to make my own post here but saw this one and others and upvoted this suggestion as it could highly increase the chances of finding your lost pet. I think every pet owner could rely on this feature to find their loved family member, considering the amount of delivery scooters (at least in my country) could increase the chances tremendously. I believe this feature could be easily implemented if we could get attention of the devs and many of us would be extremely grateful if waze could.
Zhivago commented
We spot / see runaway doggies or pets on a regular basis, running down a street or nabourwood. Please can you add a function to your service where waze'rs can report missing animals / Pets for them to be followed, spoted or tracked. How about a lost pet emoji
Anonymous commented
As someome who helps with lost and found pets almost daily, this would be an amazing feature to have. I came here to suggest this idea but I'm glad others are already on it! Being able to mark where a pet is missing or where one was sighted or found would be very helpful in reuniting the pet with its family. I really hope this becomes a reality soon!
Berna Oreshan commented
We are trying to start using Waze to help us catch loose dogs. They panic after they see people running for them and they always seem to go when the traffic is rush hours. So many get hit and injured or even killed. I want it to stop so right now, I got on Waze and posted the location where the dog was running with people coming at her from all directions. When she changes and ends up on a different street or direction, I post that all as a traffic hazzard but now I have to get people to start using it again.
Anonymous commented
This is exactly what I was thinking today.
Haydeé Jiménez Nieto commented
Seco!!! Me encanta la idea, siempre es bueno utilizar la tecnología para el bien de todos, los animales y mascotas son un compañero y familiar más, sería demasiado útil, novedoso, pro-activo, y beneficioso para dueños de mascotas, tanto como para ayudar a los animales que se encuentran perdidos, tanto como en situación de calle.
Bryan Chafarik commented
Seria bastante efectivo en muchos paises que agregaran una opcion muy similar a la de "policia" pero esta opcion seria para encontrar perros perdidos. Deberia de estar por ejemplo un icono de un perrito que le permita al usuario indicar donde lo vio perdido, y este icono que tenga las opciones de raza, color y de si tiene collar o no.... asi ayudarian a muchas personas a encontrar a sus mascotas cuando se pierden. Ya que muchos salen en auto a buscarlas.
Rodrigo Steter Rocco commented
I agree. May be a app like a Dog Finder to help stray dogs on the streets go back home. With an option to describe the dog characteristics or put a photo. Than you can see in your city the map of stray dogs. This is very nice to help ONGs. I Vote YES URGENT
Anonymous commented
In Brazil there are many cases of owners who losts their dogs. They seek their dogs for days, weeks and even months on the streets. I believe it would help a lot if you would create any option to warn when some user find a lost dog on the streets. Thanks.