Support ODB bluetooth dongles
Allow the use of an ODB bluetooth dongle to get a number of improvements. These dongles are quite cheap and provide a wealth of extra data. Possible uses:
[ Better dead reckoning using vehicle speed ]
Using the actual vehicle speed combined with compass, accelerometer and map matching it should be possible to have accurate positioning in tunnels/urban canyons. TomTom does this and is able to do near-perfect positioning with only one GPS datapoint every 30 minutes.
[ Monitor fuel usage ]
Things like planning a gas stop could be automated. When the tank gets below a certain percentage, add a stop to the current route at a gas station. Also; monitoring fuel efficiency and using that to calculate range remaining and warning when a planned route exceeds that range (adding gas stops maybe?).
[ Stop detection ]
If the ODB is not available or indicates the car is off the user is taking a stop so don't report a traffic jam.
[ Fuel efficiency tips ]
Using accelerometers and ODB data you can build quite a detailed report of driver behaviour and give the driver tips to get better fuel economy.
Christophe Pujol commented
This feature is essential to make waze a planner for electric vehicles. If you want a planner that goes further than ABRP, you will need to have the % of battery.
for the moment an ODB2 dongle in bluetooth / wifi will do the job. -
Jeremy Cath commented
This would be fantastic ... there's a wealth of extra data available to enhance the experience (and more data for Waze to aggregate, anonymise, and make a buck on) ... I already use a dongle in my car (with Dash), and on my Harley (with RPMitUp) and having the historic data has certainly made more more aware of how the vehicles perform
If Waze were to add features like tracking fuel stops and mpgs etc it would be great... and by reading the ODB-II for the VIN it would know which vehicle I was on so could automatically adjust mode (eg VIN HD-XYZ is the motorbike so switch the defaults accordingly)
If Waze were to consolidate some of the 'extra' features I currently have to run a bunch of apps for (Dash, RPMitUp, GasBuddy and Fuelio) then Waze would become my absolute default must-have app!
Dante Barba commented
This is a must. I'm a DASH user, it's amazing the things you can achieve with an ODB device. You could even do a fuel avg. radius on the map, so you would know in long trips how much fuel you have and for how long you can travel to find the next gas station.
It could even record statistical data on every trip matching your driving profile and selecting the best route. -
Jesse Wagstaff commented
This please. All those suggestions are great. Dash is a good example of using the ODB data well.
Jaime Visser commented
Also: Waze could sell branded ODB dongles!