I want to report hazards & closures even after i drove past it. like hold my finger on a location and report there.
I like to report things but by the time i open my waze app, i already drove a few blocks. And waze doesn't let me report anything 3 blocks back. Why can't I click on the map and pick the exact location?

Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
diplogic commented
Will this option be ever available? Its not safe to drive and tap something on the screen after you drive in a pothole and almost broke off the wheel.
Zach G commented
Every time I go through an area where I loose service for a while (crossing a mountain pass) I am unable to select or create alerts. It used to tell me that it wasn’t able to connect to the network (even though I had regained a good LTE connection), but now it doesn’t even say that. The only way to recover that functionality in the past as well a currently is to force close the app, restart, and re-input my navigation address. This is terribly burdensome and it really eliminates the ability to do what Waze is good for, and that’s alerting others of hazards and changes.
Anonymous commented
When driving and a warning shows up, I may not be able to see whether the object of the warning is still there until I drive past it. By that time, the warning is gone and I can't confirm or deny the hazard is still there. I recommend leaving it up for at least 30 seconds after the vehicle passes the location of the hazard.
Dave R commented
Yes, please, THIS!!! I can't believe how bad waze is in the city!
Often I don't even bother trying to report something because I know that by the time I get it loaded up I will be blocks away.
It's like waze keeps getting worse instead of better with time. Just recently they broke the comment feature- now when I report a police checkpoint I have to put the comment/picture in a separate alert.
These guys must have outsourced their coding to India or something. ugh. I really want a reason to use it more but because of stuff like this I use it less and less.
Rahman commented
I love how waze assumes that everyone is a "passenger" in a car and everyone has their phone in their hand and waze open at all times. This is the assumption that waze operates from.
Unfortunately in reality we may have our phone in our pocket, or we may be driving and not in a safe place to use our device. By the time we get to a place that is safe to use our phone we could be a mile or two down the road from where the thing is that we want to report.
By forcing us to sacrifice safety for accuracy waze is putting users' lives at risk for NO GOOD REASON!
There is not a single good reason why waze should not let us pinpoint the location on the map where the alert should go.
Let us touch the map where the thing actually is, and that is where the alert will go. As long as it is a spot within a mile or so of your current location, or within say 5 miles of any spot which we just recently drove past, there should be no reason why we can't wait until we get to a red light or another safe spot before we have to submit our alert.
Im constantly seeing these alert clusters- 10 or 20 individual reports scattered over a mile radius- OF THE EXACT SAME THING! Or I will see comments attached to an alert saying "1 mile back" or "two blocks east in the alley"; people are trying to make up for the utter failure of the dev team when it comes to accuracy, and they shouldnt have to.
The current model works great in rural areas- where there are long straight roads spaced far apart; if you are off by a half mile on your alert nobody will care. When you get into urban areas waze fails miserably. In a dense city it is nearly impossible to get your alert accurate to the correct block unless you are in fact a passenger and already have waze open. Even then a slight discrepancy in GPS reception could put you one street over. God forbid you want to report something on a perpendicular street!
This is a very simple fix and a no-brainer!
Philip Stafford commented
sometimes when I lose my data connection I would still like to report traffic information. When I try to make a report I am told that there is no data connection.
Is it possible to let the user make the report by storing the GPS coordinates and report information locally and then to upload the report when the device next receives a data connection?
By the time the device receives a data connection you could be miles past the hazard you tried to report.
mslikta commented
Also, allow to do it on "map editing", maybe with a timer (warning off after "x" hours" for something temporary, or "fixed" (like a pothole).
Celesta commented
This is a problem for me as well. I was parked not even a block away and could not report a road closed that I could see. It kept telling me to report the road I was sitting on was closed. Clicking on the spot of the map that you would like to report would be a huge improvement. Even if you are the passenger by the time you do all the clicks to open what you want to report you are away from the spot. So reporting an accident, hazzard, police etc. Is not exactly accurate to your location
SunJ commented
search: specify location
Joaquim Monteiro commented
This could be very useful in many situations when we can't place the report right away:
*Police warns are very difficult as in my country is forbidden handling the phone while driving.
*Streets we've passed but had Waze turned off/no signal/no network on that moment.
*I could place reports on streets I can see from my window.
*One can place reports some one told us or heard on the radio.Thank you.
Anonymous commented
For example, you are approaching Police that are "Taking pictures of speeders" and you dont want to post it at exactly that moment as you pass them because they might see you fumbling with your phone and stop you, so once you get about 100 feet past them or 200 feet (can be made to customize this) then it will just place the icon 100 feet behind you that there is police or road hazard or whatever.
John Black commented
Agree! Often IT'S NOT SAFE to try to report the condition/closure at that exact moment. It's better to pull over to the shoulder/etc. a few hundred feet ahead and then use the screen to report it. But since your app forces the location to be your current location, you're encouraging us to try to do it immediately.
If you are concerned about abuse, then allow the pin to drop within X feet/miles/whatever of current location.
In particular, for Road Closures, please don't assume about which DIRECTION we want to report. So often, I encounter a closure and have *already turned around*, or turned in the direction of the detour, before I'm able to find a safe place to stop and report the closure. But when I do that, the Waze client ONLY offers me the direction that I'm facing *now*, which is useless.
RegisT commented
YES, this is fundamental to SAFELY report events ACCURATELY! !!
* Reporting Closures does allow selection -but doesn't provide all required marker selection locations
* During highway travel, a "temporary marker" is more appropriate at the time user initially taps marker, NOT when user taps SEND.
-Ideally, the marker could be slid back or forward along route path w/ a presentation of "how many seconds have elapsed" since passing the pavement of the "corrected marker".
Anonymous commented
Yes! The same for driving at freeway speeds. You're way past the incident by then.