Slow down & move over warning for Emergeny Responders
Warn motorists of Emergency Responders (police cars, tow trucks, ambulances) with a Slow Down Move Over warning. Lives are being lost at alarming rates and any support of the move over laws are greatly appreciated.

Lisa Bridegam commented
adding this feature could save somebody's life!!!! it is so much more important than whose voice is going to tell us how to get somewhere. this shouldn't even be up for debate it should be something that WAZE adds and be the leader in the industry to make people aware that the laws exist to move over and slow down so that the people working on the side of the road , firemen, tow truck drivers, police officers or any vehicle stopped on the side of the road can get home safe to their family
Anonymous commented
Give them room slow down move over !!
Anonymous commented
Please help save more senseless deaths. Slow down move over
Carrie Sue Ransome commented
What a great response guys, let's keep the votes coming. Let's do our best to make sure everyone gets home safe!!!
Michael G. Myers commented
I am in the Towing & Transportation business and the number of personnel get hit and or killed on our nations roadways is unacceptable! Everyone in the transportation industry needs to do their part in getting this message OUT!
Thank you,
Michael Myers
Gene's Towing & Transportation -
Jennifer Fabrizio commented
I always push sdmo. Our families lives depend on it....please add this feature. It is so very important to so many of us
Anonymous commented
Need to do this
Diane Dean commented
If it would of been added before.maybe it would of saved my Brother life while working the white line...please added it.
Anonymous commented
Funkmaster B commented
Absolutely needs to be added! It could save a life!
Patricia Olean McGough commented
Slow down move over Texas
Anonymous commented
I push the move over law here in Florida
Anonymous commented
When announcing a vehicle stopped on the side of the road, add a reminder to move over to allow the vehicle plenty of room. As an emergency services provider, there are plenty of times when vehicles do not move over a lane to allow us to work safely. 43 states have a move over law, which includes fire, police, EMS, tow trucks and service vehicles. Drivers should move over for all vehicles on the shoulder of the road. More and more people are being killed while stopped on the shoulder. Whether it's putting gas in or fixing a flat, nobody should be put in harms way by a vehicle whizzing by at 70 mph.
Anonymous commented
There should be an option to report emergency vehicles stopped on the roads (not just police) sometimes there isn't an accident but medic reporting to a house on a main, busy road.
Anonymous commented
Alert drivers of stopped emergency vehicles and police in one lane or on the shoulder of the road so drivers can move over one lane.
Becky commented
When Waze reports a police car ahead in the breakdown lane, could they also remind drivers about the "Move Over" law to move over one lane or slow down 20 mph below the stated speed limit on the highway. This law applies to all emergency vehicles and tow trucks with flashing lights. This would help alleviate costly traffic tickets and increase safety on the highways.
Joe Burgett commented
WAZE to add a notice to alert motorists to watch out for stopped emergency vehicles! YOU can make a difference, you can help save a life. Lets do this in honor and memory of Jason Schultz! -
Nick Brown commented
EVERY state in the US has a law that requires motorists to act accordingly when approaching a stopped evergency vehicle on the highway to reduce the risk of hitting the stop vehicle or personnel working outside of their vehicle. The laws are commonly referred to “Slow Down Move Over” laws. Although there is an option in Waze to report police or a stopped vehicle in general, adding an option for a stopped emergency vehicle with a voice alert of “Watch out, emergency vehicle stopped ahead, slow down or move over 1 lane when approaching and passing” will further help educate drivers about the existence of the law and how to abide by it. The alert for police reports is “Police reported ahead” or for a general stopped vehicle “watch out vehicle stopped ahead”. Why not utilize the existing technology and features of Waze to spread the awareness of a commonly misunderstood law that results in many first responders and highway workers being struck, injured or killed every year. It can be easily implemented and will result in saving countless lives while providing an excellent learning opportunity for motorists.
PepperoniCactus commented
This would be most useful if you witnessed the accident or came upon it fresh after it happened or even an accident in the middle of the night on a dark road.
PepperoniCactus commented
Imagine if Police, Firemen, EMTs etc. Could register (with proof) through Waze App or Then say there is a car accident, a Wazer could report through the "Hazard" menu: "Car Accident", then rate the severity of accident such as: "Fender Bender", "Collision", "Wreck" and (if severe enough) "Emergency"(or similar terms)(also an option to add notes if needed). Then a special alert will go out to the Wazers that registered (sort of like an Ad but with maybe a vibrations and alert tones) to notify them that there is a situaton that may require their services until the authorities arrive. It would also give them information such as: distance to incident, time till arrival, and the option to drive there. This could be used so off duty medical personnel who just happen to be passing by could offer their expertise. This could save many lives if implemented