Over speed signal
When over speed, the app just makes an usual (not alarming) sound and that is it. It would be better if the app continues to make alarming sound (could be an option) each 10 seconds, until speed goes back under the limit. Besides alarm, it could be said in form of repeating warning message like "over speed" (another option).
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Alain commented
Make a sound when going x% above the speed limit (x user specified in preferences). Also user selectable speeding sound.
Опасный Очень commented
Если превышаешь скростной режим на 10 - 15 км/час. Что бы на экране появлялось оповещение или звуковой сигнал. город и загород
Anonymous commented
Make an audible speed alert warning when going over the speed limit.