Traffic lights option button
Hello wazers. There are some traffic lights that are fast enough to pass through and some others that are extremely slow (2-3 cars per time). Waze commonly proposes directions through traffic lights (Even when there are other options).
I think that a “traffic light” option button that characterizes it as slow or fast, would be a good addition in order to accelerate our proposed roots

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Alexa commented
You should add a button where people can report a traffic light is out. Most of the time people just use hazard which sometimes makes me think there’s something wrong with the road but it’s the light. At least people can view this from hone & know before they drive as it’s such a big issue in South Africa
Wellie Santic commented
Traffic enforcer captured me when a traffic stop light with no timer suddenly appear and im in yellow box lane when i notice the stop light.
Anonymous commented
This will provide advance notice to Wazers of traffic delays along their routes due to problems with the stoplight.