when can we expect Waze be compatible on the Android Automotive OS (so not Android Auto, but Android Automotive as the new OS for the Polestar 2 car).
thanks for you reply
We plan to work on Android Automotive in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
Niclas Cederlund commented
Add so that all upcoming EVs can use waze. Megane e-tech arrives now. I want it for my Polestar 2
Frostbeatz Music commented
Make this happen Waze!
Joar Mortveit commented
Go go go
DT commented
Need Waze on Polestar 2!
Android Automotive OS is pretty slick. It's just missing Waze!
Jens Backeman commented
I'm getting a new Volvo XC60 and just assumed Waze would be available through Android Automotive. Disappointing that it doesn't seem to be the case...
Bruno Labrie commented
Waze is owned by google. I'm disappointed that the integration is not settled. It's a must.
Abdessalam Ahrouch commented
Without Waze I’m lost!!!!!
Asaf Hyhko commented
Need it on my Volvo. And many others need it who do not get here to suggest and vote. Come on guys
Gleb commented
Plz add!
Bertranabus commented
plus one :-)
Daniel Fasulo commented
Another Polestar 2 owner here: Waze for Android Automotive, please!
Chris Milne commented
Need this!
Chad A. Boehne commented
Needed for Polestar 2.
Steven Marcus commented
please add waze to android automotive!
Brian Watford commented
This is a NEED, not a want for my Polestar 2. LFG!!
Jorge Cobos commented
So what if car play is coming. The whole point of Android Automotive is that you don't need your phone. We need a native app. Polestar Volvo and many other American brands will come equipped with it so why not make a native app. How hard can it be? It's still Android you just need to port it over. How lazy can waze team of developers be. To me it's Google's way of making Waze obsolete for Google maps to get more users not that Here GPS navigation has passed Google maps. Come on already. You could do this in 1 day Google has a port over app to make it easy. Why the hesitation. Why are waze users not mad. Please like this so it can happen already.
Marc Gold commented
The biggest disappointment with my Polestar2. No Waze. Would love this to be added to AAOS. Is it such a big stretch to have the best Navi. GMaps is so lame.
Jason Chen commented
Please when we can except Waze for Android automotive
Albert Ribas commented
Waze is a must for AAOS.
Bart van Kleef commented
Needed for Polestar 2.