Speed limit
Please allow us to remove the digital speedometer, and instead show a much larger speed limit for the road! The current speed limit sign is very small on some displays, and since every car already has a speedometer, I would like the option to remove it from the app and just show a large icon for speed limit only

We changed the status back to "Under Consideration" and hope to have news on this idea in the future. Thanks and have a great day.
Anonymous commented
Increase the speed limit by the circular icon. The circular speed icon is redundant because all cars have a speedometer
Navman commented
Of course this will never happen because us users with imperfect eyesight are in a minority of users and this suggestion (necessity !!!!) will never get many votes from the majority of users who have good vision because the size is large enough for them so they care not.
Not really very fair is it ..... -
Navman commented
By the way I would probably use Waze all the time if the speeding warnings and display sizes were improved.
The other apps I use ("Here we Go" and "Offline Maps and Navigation") are very good and more reliable for me but their lane guidance is not as good as the brilliant lane direction graphics in Waze. -
Navman commented
Totally agree with anonymous.
I think it is absolutely ridiculous having an overspeed warning alarm that does not sound every time the speed limit is exceeded.
I only use navigation apps when I am in unfamiliar areas and speed limits are a very big part of why I use these apps.
If I am on a street that is limited at 70 kph and I go over the limit and get the alarm that is good.
I may then immediately have to turn from this street onto a side street.
I do not know the area so have no idea of the limit.
It may be 50 kph and I may go over this limit
BUT !!! because the alarm has just now sounded on the previous street I do not get the alarm warning .
Guess what ? this is just where the speed trap is (hypothetical) and I get fined for speeding.
See my point ???
What good is an over speed alarm that does not sound every time.
For those that don't want alarms going off all the time why not just turn it off. -
Navman commented
Great Idea Craig
But surely we shouldn't have to do that.
I am no tech but cannot see how it would be difficult for the developers to change the size or make it customizable -
Navman commented
Totally agree !!!!!!!
Please !! Please !! make the speed limit display much larger
My eyes are just OK for driving and cannot wear bi focal glasses so impossible for me to see the display. Cannot see the point of having the display if surely many people like me cannot clearly see it.
For those that don't want it bigger maybe have the option to adjust it to suitable size.
Please I cannot use Waze with this tiny display .
It's a shame because the lane guidance graphics are excellent.
"Here we Go " or "offline maps and navigation" have much better speed limit display and also the over speed alarm sounds every time I go over and not only after a timed interval.
Frode Christiansen commented
This is a safety request, as stated by others, the sign is too small!
This should be optional maybe, setting the size (three sizes maybe? Or % of screen size in the car?) and position on the screen also?
I hope this will be a priority :)
CarPlay user -
Bartsimpsonhead commented
I've a smaller mobile phone (iPhone SE) that I use for navigation and find the current speed and speed limit info very helpful although it's a little hard to see on a small screen.
Having the option to make those symbols larger (maybe having a small/medium/large icon size option) would be a fantastic feature to have.
C'mon Waze - make it happen please! -
Jim Melton commented
I couldn't agree more. Even when displayed on the dashboard screen, the speed limit is too small to read. The speedometer is redundant, as previously stated. That space could be better used by expanding the size of the speed limit sign.
Anonymous commented
Too small in cars with wide HD screens. Need an option to set its size. But in sure this already suggested common sense idea will be ignored like all the others :(
XXLogistics commented
I would like to suggest an advance speed limit icon. I was using a Sygic navigation some years ago and I appreciated such an option there. This could improve the Waze a lot in my eyes of permanent user.
Mark Trayner commented
This suggestion has been ignored for nearly 5 years now?! Is it really that difficult to provide an option in settings to increase the size of the speed limit?!
Anonymous commented
Yes I agree the speed limits icon is to small
Алексей Цыбуля commented
Indeed, it's too small. Especially then you have only 160 dpi display. (1280x720 and 9 inch)
Jindrich commented
Please add an option to choose, how big are these icons. They are to small!!!
Anonymous commented
please do this
Mosleh Allahpi commented
Please make it an option to put the speedmeter with speed limit. I want an option where you could see the speed limit only with out having to put the speedmeter. It only allows me to put show speedometers with speed limit. Pls Pls Pls waze make an option to only see the speed limit that's all I need and if you do it make it a little larger so that when connected to apple CarPlay I could see it much better.
Paul commented
Newbie (today) so not sure if this is covered but I find is a little useless showing a speed on the Freeway as "over 40km" on a 100km Freeway?
I get we do not wish to show "speeders" so it would be very useful to show that traffic is moving at the speed limit. Speeders just will show "at limit".
I can then monitor slows points to avoid. Sitting on a Freeway at 40km I would get off and take another route...
Anonymous commented
larger speed limit indicator
Anonymous commented
Please increase the displayed size of the current speed or give an option to. Thanks for a great app! but this would make it awesome.