Speed limit
Please allow us to remove the digital speedometer, and instead show a much larger speed limit for the road! The current speed limit sign is very small on some displays, and since every car already has a speedometer, I would like the option to remove it from the app and just show a large icon for speed limit only

We changed the status back to "Under Consideration" and hope to have news on this idea in the future. Thanks and have a great day.
Cody M commented
Yes please! This is probably the one issue I have with Waze that I'd like to see corrected. On Android Auto, the speed limit is considerably larger and easier to read. On CarPlay the speedometer size is ok but I can't tell the difference between 110 and 100 KPH in the speed limit display.
Tomasz Koperski commented
Opcja w ustawieniach, aby podwoić rozmiar wyświetlacza prędkości/ograniczenia prędkości. Jest dla mnie zbyt trudno łatwo/szybko odczytać te liczby podczas jazdy i uważam, że obie liczby są bardzo przydatne i ważne.
Glenn commented
For years drivers have complained about the speed limit display on screen is way too small on automobile screens. Why can’t this be fixed? All other mapping applications have larger speed limit signs. We users are complaining because we like the benefits of Waze. Please address this important issue.
Dragos commented
It would be great if the speed limit would be displayed closer to the driver, on the left-side corner of the infotainment display for the left-hand driven cars.
Dragos commented
Although I have Waze on my car's 10" infotainment display (CarPlay), the speed limit is difficult to read. I would prefer the speed limit info to be larger and positioned in the left-side corner, closer to the driver, rather than in the right-side corner.
I would also prefer not to be distracted by the overlay showing the car's actual speed.It would be useful to have an optional display of the difference between the speed limit and the car's current speed (red for excees speed, and green for running below speed limit), as speeding tickets are based on this difference.
Miller commented
This could be a setting instead of how it is. Then people have choice or not
Mohammed Patel commented
Speedometer overlay.
Have the option to have just the speedometer and the speed limit appear with the app runing in the background, similar to how tomtom amigo has it. This way users can use other apps or other navigation apps whilst still having the speed displayed on screen and still recieve alerts and warnings. -
DAVIDE_MCMXC commented
Absolutely no, the app speedometer is way more accurate then my cars one,
please don't remove the speedometer!Also speed limit in waze is often inaccurate so why showing a value that can lead in false sense of security.
Jason Owens commented
I agree that this should be a top priority for Waze! There is really no need for the speedometer for a lot of people! Have you also considered that it is a hindrance to some people, as it allows for passengers to “judge” your driving speed? 🤔
David Scott commented
Every car already has a speedometer. Maps shows the current speed limits, why doesn't Waze?
Justin Addison commented
This needs to be the only thing the people at waze need to focus on. just look at the votes. one large road speed, that can be resized and on the top left of the screen.
Go-KeVin commented
I really have to agree on that one! Please only speed limit without speedometer!! :)
Michal K. commented
Please add this function - show speed limit without current speed!
Richard Butcher commented
This needs improving. It’s the one thing that makes me want to stop using Waze. It’s just too small to see.
Michael Hay commented
I agree! I know how fast I am going, I NEED to be able to read the speed limit without taking my eyes off the road longer than I should. I shouldn't have to lean over to be able to read the speed limit. This is on Apple Car Play but it is also an issue on the phone as well.
Dave Ainsworth commented
This is the one feature I want the most for Waze, allow us to make the speed limit icon bigger. I should be able to just glance over at the screen. I am unable to have my phone mounted really close to me.
Custom size would be great, or if not maybe just option to double it.
Wayne Kern commented
The speed limit sign needs to be greatly enlarged, but you also need to continue to let the user know when they exceed the speed limit, either via this sign or by keeping the speedometer and continue to make it turn red and make a noise.
Alexandre da Rosa commented
Poderia aumentar as Letras. Tamanho do visor de limite de velocidade da placa que aparece a velocidade limite do percurso
Kelvin commented
An option in settings to double the size of the speed/speed limit display. It's too hard for me to easily/quickly read these numbers whilst driving and I find both numbers very useful and important. (I've voted on many similar suggestions but there's lots of small variations in previous suggestions. Mine is just to have the normal size, or double size option for the speed/speed limit display so have posted this as a new idea.)
Thomas Ickes commented
I agree! I shouldn't have to put on my reading glasses to see the speed limit while driving.