icon size
I'd like an option for larger map icon sizes. The current icons are too small for me to make out at a glance.

Ananymous commented
The icons are WAY TOO SMALL. The size of the icons prior to the update were much more easy to see.
Paul commented
The new version has icons which are very small.... too small to see with just a quick glance. How do you make them larger? Please respond!
Anonymous commented
Waze please respond !!! Icons WAY to small!!!!
Anonymous commented
Icons too small - more dangerous
Also, night view is low contrast - can't see what's going on anynmore. Thanks for working on the App, but please bring back bigger icons or a 'big icon' option. -
Anonymous commented
Add me as another dissatisfied wazer after the update. Hazard icons are way too small to be useful. Please fix this ASAP.
Stu commented
Icons are waze too small.
Anonymous commented
Google should stop ruining Waze, go back to how it worked before!!!
Anonymous commented
The new version is ridciously bad. It is impossible to see the icons while driving. I am young with good vision and it it is unusable. Hopefully, an update is in the works that allows a rollback to the previous version or at least the option to make the icons bigger.
Another problem is that in the new version, when you zoom out all of the icons simply disappear. This does not allow you see what lies ahead on your path.
Please fix the issues with the new vrsion. Why did you fix problems that did not exist?
dave commented
can i go back to the last version where the icons were readable??
Kris commented
I too agree the icon size is too small with the latest release. Please add the feature to make them user adjustable.
CP commented
I can not see the new icons.....almost useless/if you do try to look it takes too much time and you could get into an accident.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE ....PLEASE.....PLEASE fix the tiny icons!!!!
CANNOT see without reading glasses. CANNOT drive with reading glasses on -
Anonymous commented
The new tiny icons are terrible...can't see what is what, which side of the road, etc. Go back to the big easy to view icons!
Anonymous commented
Wow, new icons are tiny---very distracting and hard to see. This might cause me to not use this once great App again.
Johan commented
The icons are being re-sized as the map zooms in or out. At freeway speed (65mph), they are totally invisible and looking at the map to read icons might become a driving hazard. Please fix this asap. Have a menu option to not re-size the icons automatically.
Thank you. -
Jack Spear commented
You new version of Waze for iOS 9 iPhone is a real change.
why change anything.
The icons are way too small. The new layout is most taxing - especially when driving and trying to operate the app.
Just leave well enough along.
Thank you.
Anonymous commented
After the new map update the Icons are much too small to be useful, which is really disappointing because that is the most useful feature of Waze. I drove right past a speed trap today, with no advance warning. I put in a Police report and noticed there was nothing on the map, that's when I noticed these tiny little dots, like little specs of something. Those were the Police icons, multiple hits from other Wazers, but much too small to see. Please fix this ASAP. How could this pass your quality control? IPHONE 6 BTW.
Anonymous commented
The icons in the new version are way to small. You have to take your eye of the road way to long. May not be a problem for someone with good vision but it does not work for me.
Sanford commented
I completely agree. I have a large phone with a huge screen, but the icons are tiny and hard to distinguish at a glance while driving.