Road Condition Rating/Grades
Showing potholes is a great feature especially in snowy climate. It would also be great to rate the road and conditions. Such as a block feature or an avoidance feature. I traveled 20mph on a road label 50mph due to how terrible the conditions was, it felt like I hit a speed bump every 40 yards. I would label this road a "D", if I could avoid these roads like a less than "C" feature, that would be awesome. User ratings paired with GPS acceleration compared to the speed limit could really help avoid these disastrous neglected road and pick an adjacent route. Thanks for listening.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
George Hadjipavlis commented
Speed bump
Dan Yakov commented
Map editors will be able to rate the road (as A, B or C rating), to enable users to choose which road to pick.
Sometimes the algorithm chooses a 1-2 minute shorter route, but it goes through roads that are not well developed, with potholes and/or unpaved patches, and as a result the drive is longer than it should be.
With road ratings you would be able to see the quality of the suggested route and choose or even implement it as a parameter within the algorithm that will help the system choose if a lower rated road is "worth it" -
Will commented
Is there a way to mark roads by level of difficulty like a ski trail? We were routed onto a mountain dirt road in Costa Rica that was treacherous. The main road was fine going to our destination but we were routed onto a different road returning without any indication of it condition. On the good side it was spectacular and Waze kept us guided but the bad side was it was a dirt road on the ridge of a mountain and dangerous as all get out. So, my request is to ID roads like ski trails easy to difficult so people go into a situations that can be dangerous unprepared. Thanks! Will
Laura commented
Hear me out: let people rate the different routes so people that are not locals, can choose wether to save 5 minutes on the route with a 2 start rating or use a 5 star rating route that might take a little longer. Choosing based only on the time is not the most safe and optional way to decide how to get somewhere. Specially true for latam (I'm from South America but moved to Mexico and Waze sometimes offers really dangerous roads)
Andrew German commented
I never needed this feature in the US that much, but after driving around Mexico for over a year, this is absolutely critical. There are soooo many roads that don’t have “hazards” but are in such poor conditions they are virtually unusable. Unfortunately some entire cities are like this. And I don’t mean rural roads, I’m talking about residential streets throughout popular cities. Please please please implement this.
Ajith Chemparathy commented
I want to rate roads I travel so I can bad ones with too much gutter if I can see if that road has a poor rating.
Anthony Buza commented
Most days, I travel the same 3-4 roads (same route) each day on my work commute. There are times when something is on my drive (car on the side of the road, police, etc.) but most often it is an uneventful drive. I am thinking it would be interesting to rate my drive. Maybe a likert scale or 5-star system where after an uneventful (which is a good thing) drive you could rate it 5 stars.
Anonymous commented
Waze is great for finding the fastest and shortest routes, but I've sometimes regretted taking the fastest route over unfamiliar roads because the roads turned out to be so bad (potholes, buckled streets, etc.) I'd like an option for users to rate the quality of the roads. If I know beforehand that a route will take me over bad roads, I will probably opt for a longer route with better roads.
Anonymous commented
Driving with Waze towards a destinations takes you on different road segments like: certain road number, road between 2 cities etc.
I’m thinking that it would make sense to rate a road segment. Who does not want to drive on 5 starts roads?
Now, combining the user ratings and with the use of cell phone accelerator the app can determine how good/ bad a road segment really is. -
TK commented
I’d love to rate my routes. Sometimes Waze will take me a way I really like & never experienced before despite living in my town for decades. Perhaps these routes can become preferrred when Waze has calculated multiple routes of similar timing and give me the option of going with my faves, when all else is equal, or trying the road less traveled. On the flip side, I’d also like to leave written feedback about a route as sometimes I dislike an aspect of the route, e.g. left turn at a busy/no light intersection.
Andre commented
Undoubtedly, these are great points that other apps have and Waze doesn't.
Pedro commented
Waze is excellent, but needs to improve on some points like Places because they are limited compared to Google Maps. Some points that can be improved:
1. Add the ratings and comments to the locations. Placing stars depending on the quality of the place.
2. Add a "Near me" feature, showing locations that are close to me. I always miss this feature on Waze.
3. Possibility of putting photos in the Places, in the WME, with this we will have many more photos and of greater quality in the Places.
4. Add more categories of Locations, such as butcher, nightclub, shoe store, pizzeria and many other categories.
5. Add more Service options like place for kids, live music and others.
6. Detail the "Accept Credit Card" option, adding which cards are accepted.Vote for developers to see and improve Waze even more.
O Waze é excelente, porém precisa melhorar em alguns pontos como os Locais, pois são limitados se comparamos com o Google Maps. Alguns pontos que podem ser melhorados:
1. Adicionar as avaliações e comentários para os locais. Colocando estrelas dependendo da qualidade do local.
2. Adicionar um recurso "Perto de mim", mostrando locais em que estejam próximos à mim. Sempre sinto falta desse recurso no Waze.
3. Possibilidade de colocar fotos nos Locais, no WME, com isso teremos muito mais fotos e de maior qualidade nos Locais.
4. Adicionar mais categorias de Locais, como por exemplo, açougueiro, casa noturna, sapataria, pizzaria e muitas outras categorias.
5. Adicionar mais opções de Serviços, como lugar para crianças, música ao vivo e outros.
6. Detalhar a opção "Aceita Cartão de Crédito", acrescentando quais cartões são aceitos.Votem para que os desevolvedores vejam e melhorem o Waze mais ainda.
Waze es excelente, pero necesita mejorar en algunos puntos como los lugares, que son limitadas si se comparan con los mapas de Google. Algunos puntos que se pueden mejorar:
1. Añadir las calificaciones y comentarios de los sitios. La colocación de estrellas dependiendo de la calidad del sitio.
2. Añadir un recurso "Cerca de mí", que muestra los lugares que están cerca de mí. Siempre me olvido de esta característica en Waze.
3. Capacidad para poner las imágenes en lugares en WME, vamos a tener muchas más fotos y una mayor calidad en los lugares.
4. Añadir más categorías de sitios, tales como carnicero, discoteca, tienda de zapatos, una pizzería y muchas otras categorías.
5. Añadir las opciones más servicios, como un lugar para los niños, música en vivo y mucho más.
6. Detalle de las "tarjetas de crédito" opción, añadiendo que las tarjetas son aceptadas.Votar por los desevolvedores ver y mejorar Waze más.
Julian V commented
It would be great to allow, at the end of the route, to rate. With this, you can tell other users if it is really a good route or not, for be used later, in terms of safety, efficiency, among others. In latin america, certain streets are not safe to transit, could be dangerous specially at certain hours (you could be mugged, have a broken window, etc). With this you can avoid or at least be warned of dangerous routes
Artem commented
And about the poor road quality as well.
Artem commented
Show the type of road coating type (like concrete, paving stone, dirt, etc) on the map and allow users to avoid dirt roads and paving stone roads.
gemihoe commented
Add another label when creating/asphalting roads where cars can not get or go, making it possible to use the app when running, biking, ...
Eli "PLUR" commented
Rate roads according to safety or difficulty of drive (waze took me on a dark desert road without lights, the fastest and shortest way, but very dangerous at night)