Add voice option: Roy Kent from Ted Lasso)
Please add Roy Kent to list of available voices. (Actor Brett Goldstein from Ted Lasso)

Sarah Waterman commented
rojoeditor commented
He's here. He's there. He's every ******* where.
Kimberly Cadogan commented
Need it back !!
Jennifer Anderson Morse commented
I need this.
shirley commented
Sharon Capeluto commented
Kim Meeks commented
I would love a combination of the voices but particularly Roy’s!
Kristi Bowers commented
Yes!!!!!! I would love it!!!! I would pay for this
merritt ripley commented
4th n20 commented
Me and my kids would love to have a Roy Kent voice option.
Michael Orban commented
Oui! Roy Kent! Yes please!
Tom Twigge commented
Please please please
Anne Katona Linn commented
YES!! #RoyKent
Laura commented
Please! Roy’s voice would be a great addition to the Waze family!
Kim Carr commented
I would love to have a Ted Lasso voice/sound for directions. Specifically, Roy Kent when he says "NO!" in his gruff voice. He is hysterical. Jamie Tartt would be another great voice. Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Keely, any of the characters. Thank you.
Sarah Riggs commented
Yes PLEASE (but also have a “secret mf’ing add-on where he curses and growls! Oh please make this happen!
Rob Lloyd commented
Directions will be short, sweet, and he can say "wanker" if there's a sudden stop or slowdown when encountering traffic. And "Avenge meeeeee" when the app closes.
Krista Gregg commented
Chip commented
Please ensure there's an uncensored version because it just wouldn't be Roy without profanity.
Deb Villavicencio commented
He can growl at standstill traffic. Yes please!