Add speed limit near the camera icon
Since all cameras have static speed limit, it would be great to extend camera icon to contain information about speed limit(like current icon + 50/70/110 or another number). This will help driver to understand limit much earlier before camera and correctly choose speed without fast braking, so this will improve safety on roads
Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
D commented
This can be achieved with the current map editing tools.
Select the section of road leading up to the speed camera (say 100m before camera) and set the speed limit for that section to the camera limit.
Waze App currently warns the driver when a camera is few hundred away warning,
Driver then checks their current speed and the limit as they approach the camera.Please explain with an Map location URL as I'm unclear why the speed camera would have a different speed from the road speed..
Gregory__Martin commented
i like the idea
Yevhenii Kovalchuk commented
Олег Галавін commented
Дмитро Сущик commented
RaNDoMiNi maZE commented
Орест Кело commented
Михайло Сидор commented
+ idea
Назік commented
Great idea
Микола Н commented
dmfe edfsd commented
Vasa Pupkin commented
Юра Чухніцький commented
Dubnytsky Danylo commented
Great idea 💡
Vlad Kotyk commented
It's would be great!
Дмитрий Кнюпа commented
Good idea
Dr. Kireev commented
Назар commented
добра ідея
Sos Önder commented
grisha Gonchr commented