Bring back Master Chief voice
Master Chief voice is truly awesome. Please bring it back, it simply dissapeared from my Waze.

This Master Chief voice is now available in Waze! Install the latest app version to check it out.
This is part of the promotional voice we offer, meaning it is only available for a limited time.
We offer special voices for holidays, events, and just for fun.
You can use the promotional voices for the duration of the promotion. When the promotion ends, your voice will reset to the default, and the voice will no longer appear in the Sound menu.
Jorge Negrete commented
Está genial no la quiten
MASTER CHIEF lo mejor en estañol latino -
Diamond 143 GAMER commented
Por favor integren la voz del jefe maestro de nuevo las voces que hay en español no sirven esa es la mejor que había en Waze por favor vuelvanlo a integrar
Cristian Rodríguez Galeano commented
Necesitamos la voz del jefe maestro
Mario Gomez commented
La verdad estoy triste, usaba Waze por la voz de Masterchief… hoy se me actualizó y la perdí :((( Porfavor tráiganla de vuelta al español latino 🥹
Juan Esteban Arroyave commented
Traela de vuelta por favor esa es la mejor voz del waze para mi gusto
Adriana Idrovo commented
My boyfriend loves this voice, please bring it back :(
Patricia Andrade commented
Es una voz profunda y breve, ideal para tomarse los destinos con seriedad.
Leonel Pedroza commented
El Master chief es la unica razon por la que me he mantenido fiel a waze
Tina Graham commented
Absolutely love this app - however its now ruined , I only swapped from google maps to Waze because of Master-chief and his Warthog and he’s now disappeared, I get that some voice overs are limited but come on - it was pure class , I’ve had to download a patch but it’s not the same as some of the distances are not his voice and u get interrupted by the default voice switchback and forth from default to master-chief and it’s not only annoying but can be confusing too - please get your act together and bring back Master-chief permanently, please 🙏
Alef “Noxbits” Silva commented
Master Chief is the best voice from waze, please add back to all languages. I want use the portuguese brazil one.
Alef “Noxbits” Silva commented
Adicionem a voz do Master Chief em todos os idiomas novamente, só tem em inglês via link. Precisamos da versão em PT-BR e em todos os outros idiomas disponíveis.
Vadim Naliusnij commented
I'm also would like to ask to bring Master Chef back. Best voice ever.
Pat Horne commented
I LOVE Master Chief. Waze just isn't the same without him. I'm back to Google maps.
exxa fernandez commented
Por favor que regrese la voz del Jefe Maestro al navegador de Waze
Estrellita Miauwu17 commented
Porfa aste una waze que regrese el jefe maestro yo lo instale por la voz del jefe😿🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hugo Oscar Paz commented
Es por copyright?
Nicolas Trujillo commented
Necesitamos la voz del jefe maestro
Luis Mojica commented
Que vuelva el jefe maestro o masterchief y si se puede la de cortana sería genial, el resto de voces son regulares o malas, no se siente la emoción que da el jefe maestro
Camilo Verdugo commented
Por favor regresar la voz de masterchief latino a Waze
Camilo Verdugo commented
Por favor regresen la voz de masterchief