It would be great if the distance of the alerts was customizable - so that warnings could be provided earlier.
It would be great if the distance of the alerts was customizable - so that warnings could be provided earlier - maybe even by alert type so that constriuction alerts could be set at 20 miles - and police alerts at 1.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Anonymous commented
Rather than *just* alert me .3 of a mile away, why not tell me "miles to next speed camera" - so I might know "on the current route, I've 10 miles to the next (known) speed camera - helpful!
Steve Davis commented
In my experience in Houston traffic, I get the "Accident reported ahead" after I've been sitting in standstill traffic for a while and I'm looking at the mangled cars. I'l like to know if there are accidents on the route when I select it.
Anonymous commented
When following speaking directions please have Waze announce how many miles to drive instead of minutes...Minutes are so *relative* on the highway whereas miles are pretty much direct.
Ozan commented
In Turkey the Waze must improve routing and warning especially speed cameras in speed corridors,hidden police radar cars,red light cameras.Google Map works very well for avoiding congestion to offer a new road,but the Waze is very weak with this option.Awaiting new updates.
Anonymous commented
Poter sapere in anticipo dell'eventuale traffico sulla strada
Anonymous commented
I like this
Anonymous commented
Keep more time (in Brazil) the potholes harzard on road. Because in Brazil the potholes are difficult to been repared and i need to keep sending the alerts every single day. It will be easer and safer for wazer in my country if the alerts been keep for a week. That´s it!
Dourival commented
Explicando. Normalmente, quando se está dirigindo e se depara com um evento (buraco, veiculo quebrado, acidente, polícia visível entre outros), é comum demorar-se a concluir o envio da informação, pela dificuldade em dirigir e ao mesmo tempo enviar o aviso. É meio complicado e requer certa destreza ao volante. O resultado disso é que, ao concluir o envio, o aplicativo vai registrar o local do evento em alguns metros (ou quilômetros) a mais do local exato em que realmente está acontecendo o evento, redundando em informação inexata do local do sinistro aos outros condutores. Minha sugestão é que os desenvolvedores criem uma opção de envio da informação com 100 metros, 200 metros e 300 metros ou mais de atraso, para que, quando o aplicativo finalizar o envio do sinistro a informação seja fixada no local mais preciso possível, otimização as informações.
Hanne Hauke commented
When the yellow bar comes up it tells me what the hazard is and how far away, but the buttons to thank the person and dismiss it cover the words describing the hazard type. If you put the hazard on top and the distance to it underneath, then the buttons wouldn't block the writing. I think it's a simple change that would make the app look better.
Brian K commented
Leave Confirm/Deny (Yes/No) buttons on screen longer (Increase Countdown time) -
Because of the disparity of user entries adding alerts, the exact location of an alert is vague. Often times when I see an alert, the countdown to when I can confirm or deny goes away before the actual alert is there. There have been times I press Deny, only to see the alert around a corner or over a hill, a few tenths of a mile up the road. My suggestion is to leave those buttons on for 1/4 mile or so past the supposed alert to give more validity to the confirmations or denials. -
Elias commented
Make it where you can add warnings to remote spots within a certain distance you drove pass.Currently, It only allows the spots you drove pass, which half the time its late to pinpoint where the pothole, car stop, or object is located on the road. I think it should be like the map editor, where you get distance as you rank. 5 stars when this happens.
Anonymous commented
It needs to tell you that there's a accident about 10 miles out so you can get off a exit and go around
Anonymous commented
לאחרונה שונו מרחקי ההתרעות לפני פניה ומצאתי עצמי לא פעם באי ודאות למקום הפניה.
להלן הצעתי לשינוי מרחקי התרעה.
קילומטר לפני - מספיק רחוק להתכונן ומספיק קרוב לא לשכוח
חמש מאות מטר לפני - מתאים למיקום שילוט הצומת
מאתיים מטר לפני - מתאים למקום פתיחת נתיב הפניה
חמישים מטר לפני - ממש לפני הפניה -
Cathy George commented
Was on a major accident 3 miles ahead but no announcement was made. Have to look in the reports to find it. Got stuck in traffic. Need to announce accidents no matter how far away they are on your route. That would give you enough time to reroute. Thank you.
tsahi commented
Add warning of approaching to a speed camera in the 300 meters from the camera and in the 100 meters from the camera as happens in approaching an intersection or square
Anonymous commented
In urban areas, where the speed is lower, the voice warning system is activated at 800 meters, 200 meters and 10 meters indicating the correct side (left or right).
On highways where the speed is much higher, with higher risk of accident, the alert occurs at 10 meters. If the vehicle is not in the correct range, it will be virtually impossible to follow the route correctly. The voice alert system is very important. -
NoEnvriofascist commented
vote for android's Expose Intents feature request
Eric commented
The announcement "Accident reported ahead" does not give enough information to the driver.
As Waze has the location of an accident why not announce it or at least show it the same way that police or speed traps are announce.
Darkon commented
I agree! When a marker is clicked it should have a "not there" button so we can remove the event. Maybe limit it to Knight Wazer or higher?
Scare Team 3 commented
An "Are you sure it's not there?" type confirmation window for whether or not a hazard is still in/on the road. Or perhaps a timer longer than 15s.