Felix (Stray Kids) as a voice option
Felix (member of the K-pop group Stray Kids) has a calming yet engaging voice that could fit well for navigation. English language navigation would have his Australian accent, and he (or another member) could potentially record Korean language navigation as well.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
StayShawol commented
We need Lee Felix's voice!
luv2felix commented
Lee Felix !
Yumii Uwu commented
Lee Felix
Yumii Uwu commented
ceylin daldaban commented
felix' voice would be so compelling as an english language navigation!! it's very soft but strong atst
La Prophétesse commented
Oui oui baguette
Lucero Mar y cielo commented
Lee felix
Ben commented
Felix is just perfect. I don't use Waze but I'll download because of him
拿都心灵 commented
Nes Li commented
felix‘s **** voice🩵
Kellyyuu commented
I would LOVEE to hear Felix' voice in the car giving me directions
laurianeh Isabel Yujra oña commented
Pleaseeee, felix win!
Elvira Xu commented
I really like Felix, his voice is very attractive. If I could hear his voice while using the software, it would make me feel happy. I hope you can consider this proposal. Thank you!
alifa mosa commented
i think felix's voice is perfect for it actually
Gema Salazar commented
Lee felix!
Workkk Ing here commented
Workkk Ing here commented
Natasja Knoester commented
Felix can do it with more voices. I would love that. I think i would be driving the wrong way more times.
Workkk Ing here commented
Workkk Ing here commented
Best voice ever!!!