Felix (Stray Kids) as a voice option
Felix (member of the K-pop group Stray Kids) has a calming yet engaging voice that could fit well for navigation. English language navigation would have his Australian accent, and he (or another member) could potentially record Korean language navigation as well.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Aytac Balayeva commented
We need Lee Felix's voice!! ♥︎
aish dei commented
Cammillia Syiem commented
Felix Lee
Sunshine Lixie commented
央卓 commented
baek byun commented
chrxno saurxs commented
Felix tiene una voz muy relajante, serena y sobretodo curativa 🤍sin duda es la mejor opción 🙌✨
Nick fernandes commented
La mejor voz que podrían elegir!!
salimenur bayburt commented
Okema Praise commented
Made Made commented
Tiene que ganar
Jinet Donado commented
Felixxxxxx 😍😍😍😍
Zaazz Mro commented
Jinet Donado commented
La mejor voz de todas
Fredy Donado commented
La mejor voz de todas
Fredy Donado commented
Felix tiene que ganar wey
yineris donado commented
Sterling Bradley commented
I would love this so much. So calming
Vici commented
his voice is amazing! he has a very unique voice and i hope he gets this opportunity!!
Taslima Begum commented
Omg Felix!!!!