Felix (Stray Kids) as a voice option
Felix (member of the K-pop group Stray Kids) has a calming yet engaging voice that could fit well for navigation. English language navigation would have his Australian accent, and he (or another member) could potentially record Korean language navigation as well.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Romane commented
We NEED Felix 😭🥰
Belle C commented
Alex Brose commented
Julia Nutt commented
Please add Felix, his voice can be a light in this dark and lonely world 🥰
Regina Vargas Juárez commented
Please Felix, I would use it for everything in Google 😿
Sivakami commented
Please use felix voice..it's perfect..
Aditi Chavan commented
Pls use his voice its perfect
Ri Gomez commented
if it's used i'm gonna use waze all the time!
Ghazal Sjoberg commented
Please use felix’s voice, ill ditch my iphone for him
Drq Stie commented
If felixi s voice is used, the rate of accidents will drope
heizel commented
His voice is perfect for this, definitely
Florence Horne commented
ahhh felix on this would be amazing!!!
Dany MD commented
Necesito eso
Bee commented
His voice is so warm
Michaela Greksova commented
His voice is perfect for this
Shaden Bakir commented
His voice is so warm and calm
Kincso Renyi commented
I really want Felix! I have to have Felix's voice in waze!
Natalie commented
Joss commented
Hace que me ayude en crisis de pánico
Kincso Renyi commented