Turn carpool notice OFF !! Retired and drive by myself almost every day. I don't need the Carpool suggestion coming on every time I drive. Really dangerous when using Waze at night and that pops up. It covers my screen and have to tap it to get back to map.

Changing this to Not Planned, as it doesn't fit on our roadmap in the near future. We'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Buck commented
You use to have the option of picking the route, or the route using the HOV lane. That is no longer an option? I have had experiences, and brought them to your Support Team's attention, that it is ALWAYS trying to put me in a HOV lane, and like Donna, I rarely drive with others in the car. It continually tries to put me in the HOV lane and I have missed an offramp due to that instruction telling me to get in the HOV lane instead of giving the next correct single driver instruction.
Kirsten Niemann commented
Just make it easier to turn off or get rid of the carpool screen that takes over my whole phone screen and can’t be tapped or swiped away! It’s dangerous and VERY frustrating! Maybe offer the option to totally turn off carpool.
Daniella Ashkenazi commented
Hello, i just wanna let you know that im using carpool minimum twice a day and it would be terable if you will stop this service
Darrell Shuman commented
Carpool nag screen in Waze is very dangerous and users should be able to disable it.