Choosing personal max speed highway
hello, I wanted to know if it was possible to set on Waze a maximum speed on the highway lower than the maximum speed in order to obtain the correct durations of the route. indeed I do not drive at 130km/h but at 110km/h. I don't know how to fix it. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Gary commented
I often drive my motorhome which has a maximum allowable road speed of 90 km/h would love to be able to select this as the travel time would be more accurite and over speed warning would be usefull.
David commented
It would be good if when searching for a route, we could define a Max speed for the vehicle and that the calculation of the different routes takes it into account.
A route on a road limited to 100 km/h, usually abandoned in favor of a route using a highway limited to 130 km/h could become even faster as soon as the driver decides not to exceed 100 or 110 km/h…
In short, if we want to drive less quickly for ecological or economic reasons, it would be good to be able to play with this parameter in the choice of routes and to have ETAs accordingly.
This could be, for example, a cursor that would move the ETAs according to the max speed. -
Patrick Fiévet commented
This feature would add nature-friendly aspects to Waze for car users who want to control their energy consumption while keeping travel time minimum.
Alfonso Pereira commented
Please, add the possibility of setting vehicle max speed. People who drive vans, trucks, buses or vehicles with speed limitations are not allowed to get the real ETA if this feature is not implemented.
Daniele Matteucci commented
I use waze with a car and a camper.
I usually don't drive to max road speed, and so the ETA is always early than the reality.
I appreciate the possibility to set max vehicle speed parameter and use it to ompute the ETA, choosing the minimum value between road speed limit and vehicle speed limit for ETA calculation. -
Murat Schlichthuber commented
Hallo Waze Team,
Wie kann ich die Geschwindigkeitslimite melden?
In meiner Nachbarschaft, wurde seit 1 Jahr, die Max. Geschwindigkeit von 50 km/h auf 30 km/h runtergesetzt. Auf keiner Navi-App wird es richtig angezeigt. Alle zeigen immer nur 50 km/h an und es wird dort regelmäßig Blitzer aufgestellt. Bei TomTom Navigerät konnte ich auf das Geschwindigkeit Symbol anklicken und die Tempoänderungen melden.
Wäre das irgendwie auch bei Maze möglich?
Vielen Dank! -
Eduardo Bedran commented
Aumentar o tamanho da velocidade máxima permitida
CouchPotatoeWannabe commented
A lot of drivers dont even need to see the maps, and could make do with the vocally spoken directions and a pop-up notification instead. This would allow the full screen to be made use of for showing the speed limit and current speed travelling.
Many drivers have replaced their tyres and rims with larger ones, throwing off the accuracy of the cars built-in speedometer. As such, it would be great to see the current speed. Another option for displaying the speedo full screen in 'Mirror' so it could be reflected in the windscreen as a HUD.
Anonymous commented
Speed límite customization. Possibility to customize how is showed the speed limit.
Speed limit is dependant of the speedometer. Should be possible to show ONLY the speed limit.
Option to set alerts and customization of colors of the speed limit. IE alerts when the speed limit had change, 3 states of colors.
Option to configure the size of the speed limit. IE on Android Auto is ridiculously small.
Sergio Fabbrini commented
We need to customise the visibility of limit and actual speed in two different option and be able to choose also the dimension would be great.
Using a car, users usually don't need the actual speed (may be on bike), but with car display far from driver head it's important for the icon to be not too small (like it is right now). -
Володимир Хоренжий commented
For now, the speed limit icon is on top-right sector of speed circle.
It would be better to put it on low-right sector of that circle, or to make user able to put it wherever he wants or disable it at all.
For now, if I put my cell phone horizontally and I'm about to reach a crossroad with a fixed direction of movement along the lanes, then that notification covers the speed limit and I don't see it. -
Gus Kelty commented
I would love it if for android auto I could turn off waze telling me my speed. Just show the speed limit in a big sign on the bottom right. I already have a giant dial in the center of my console telling me my road speed anyway.
Jimmie Persson commented
Be able to customize the layout for speed shown
IE only showing speed limit, speed limit and actual speed.
Be able to show speed limit all the time or just when the limit changes.
As for me I want to show the speed limit all the time without actual speed.
Would be nice to have an inbuilt function for alerting if the current speed limit is achieved, this function could have an tolerance of a user defined speed of 5,10,15,20,25,30 km/h before the warning comes. -
אהרון אור כהן commented
שיהיה מגבלה של מהירות עד 120 קמש ובכל כביש יש יהיה אפשרות לציין את המהירות מותרת