Navigating - Toll / No Toll choice
I find this Avoid Tolls setting annoying... as in, its deep in the settings. Thinking to enhance your app, it would be real cool to toggle Tolls / No Tolls while reviewing overview of proposed ride so that one can quickly assess the diff in time and $'s... this has a significant impact on Greater Toronto Area Wazers... the 407ETR is a major money grab!!

Kris Samarakoon commented
PLEASE give us this feature!!!! I often reassess my route during my drive especially during peak hour traffic. When I start my drive I want to avoid tolls, but, if I get stuck in too much traffic I like to be able to reassess my options and see if tolls can save me any significant amount of time. There needs to be a quicker option to toggle tolls on/off from the in-drive drawer. Or, the routes option should always provide all route options available (including tolls) and simply have a filter to show/hide toll routes. I'm in Melbourne Australia. Thanks.