Voice audio sample
When selecting a new voice it would be very convenient to have an audio sample play so we don't need to start a trip to hear what it sounds like.
We plan to work on adding an option to hear Voice samples when choosing in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
Z commented
How is there STILL no option to preview the voices in the settings? I know you can preview the sidekick voices but it's only one line and doesn't tell you at all what the voice is going to say randomly after an alert
This is potentially a safety issue as the only way to hear a voice is to go out on a drive and then hope to God that you can understand what they are saying as you navigate. Also there should be an option to turn off the random quips and voice lines from the sidekicks. I want to hear their nice voices but I don't want to hear random facts and jokes while I'm driving. It's been years and this keeps getting requested. You'd think a navigation app who's ENTIRE focus revolves around customization and user reported alerts would have a super fleshed out menu around this. I want to be able to hear things like "turn left on main St" or "at the intersection, keep right then turn left" in the menus before hearing it for the first time while driving.
Andrea Composto commented
There’s too many voice options to select one and have to start navigation somewhere in order to hear what the voice sounds like.
Barry O'Neill commented
Pre-listen feature when choosing navigation voice.
David Hynds commented
Love the app only failure is this critical function
Nov 2024 -
Vodka commented
Please have a sample button for the various voices!!! It can say the same phrase like turn right or left. Currently we can only hear it after choosing a voice and then driving. If we dont like it we have to change it, restart Waze which is dangerous.
Laura commented
I can see this has been suggested several times so I’m not very hopeful! But you notified me of some new voices yesterday which I was able to hear a sample of. So why can’t you do this with all the voices? Every other satnav system I’ve used has this option, it seems to me to be a very basic and necessary function, so I don’t understand why you can’t include it.
Shelley Mitchell commented
Near future? It’s now April 2024, and I can’t test voices on my phone without being in my car!
Mac Reiter commented
Eight years. EIGHT years. EIGHT _YEARS_! Just precisely how far do you have your head up your backside that you haven't even assigned an intern code-monkey to this at some point in the last eight flipping years? Do you understand, at _ANY_ level, how stupid this makes your team look? In pretty much ANY app, for ANY reason, when the user makes a preference change, there is some simple way to immediately experience that preference change. Would you leave "language selection" or "dark mode" settings without some way to experience them BEFORE getting into a fully routed drive? NO. You let the user experience their choice immediately or almost immediately. Is your code base such garbage that it is actually DIFFICULT to get a selected voice to say something? I mean, it should just be adding "say('Hello, it's nice to meet you')". But how could it possibly take you -- and I know I'm getting extremely repetitive, but I have to say this again -- EIGHT DAMNED YEARS to do something that simple? Which suggests to me, a software engineer, that your code base is so hopelessly baroque and fragile that I shouldn't be trusting it with any decision making...