Still there and Not there buttons should stay for longer.
The "Still there" and "Not there" buttons should saty a little bit longer. By the time you go near and and be able to see the buttons are gone, especially when there other vehicles in front of you and can't see in time.

Rachael Nik'l Downs commented
If you go to tap one of the buttons that pop up for hazards, police, etc, and you slightly miss the button (maybe from the bounce of driving the car), it completely goes away and you miss your opportunity. It should stay up until one is pressed or until you pass it.
Janson Moto commented
Powinniście dodać opóźnienie w zaznaczaniu policji wypadku żeby potwierdzić łapka w górę lub w dół mam często sytuację że nie zdąże zobaczyć miejsca gdzie stoi policja wypadek inne a już oznaczenie które chce potwierdzić znika myślę że inni użytkownicy mają ten sam problem
Steven commented
Totally agree! Asks you way too early and then by the time you can see if it’s there or not and get to the location on the map the option is gone! Useless most of the time
R Lindauer commented
I agree with the original suggester: By the time I reach the ostensible location of the hazard (vehicle, police, whatever), the "still there" button has already disappeared. It needs to stay longer - perhaps with a configuration option for how long it should remain available (e.g., 10 sec after passing the location).
FreeMan commented
I don't know whether it's an update in v4.101.0.1 (or recent to that) or something with my new phone, but these buttons have suddenly started disappearing at or before the physical thing that is being reported. It might be a minor difference in GPS location speed for different phones, but they need to stay for the 5-10 seconds after you've passed as they used to.
Optionally, make it a user setting for how long they will remain after you've passed the incident.
Robin commented
on the STILL THERE and NOT THERE alerts, please have them visible for more time when displayed
Jean-Paul Iribarren commented
Typical case : while I'm stuck in a trafic jam, I get an alert about an unidentified object lying on the road. As usual, the "still there / not there" buttons are displayed on the screen, but because I'm moving slowly due to the traffic jam, they disappear before I reach the location of the object. Therefore, I can neither confirm or deny the alert when I am in a position to do it.
Removal of these buttons could possibly be delayed until location of alert has been reached. -
Daniel commented
Currently the 'Not There' or 'Still There' buttons that pop up to ask us if a hazard is still there or not seem to mostly pop up when i am not quite at the hazard yet and go away just as i pass the hazard.
If there is a hazard ahead then i need to be paying attention to the road seeing if any cars are swerving or chnaging lane etc to determine if there is indeed a hazard rather than paying attention to clicking a button.
Same as if i am passing a hazard.
By the time i have passed a hazard and traffic is a bit more smooth the alert has already gone and so i can no longer respond to it.
Please either make the buttons stay on screen longer (ideally until i reach a safe location) or give us some sort of history of alerts that we can respond to when we stop or reach the end of our drive.