Simplify Wazer and Editor workflow for residential places
The current method for a wazer to add their home to the map is confusing and creates more work for waze map editors. The workflow for a wazer is similar to this:
Wazer selects the yellow triangle (if it's displayed on their map)
Next selects "Place"
(now it is about to get really confusing)
Wazer must take a picture
The next screen says "Select Place" with a text field that says "Enter Place name".
For a residence, the wazer should not enter a place name. Just below the text field there is apparently a "button" that if tapped will add "This is a residential place".
But if the wazer enters a place name in the text field above, there is then no option to select the button "This is a residential place"
Based on the volume of PURs where wazers are trying to add a residence to the map, most are entering a place name and never realize that they should have tapped "This is a residential place".
Next they are asked to select a category. Since there is no category for an RPP, they must choose the best from a list that isn't helpful for an RPP.
Making matters worse, the first listed category is "Parking Lot" and again, based on the large volume of PURs for residences, it appears that most wazers select the first choice : "parking lot"
Now more work is created for the Waze map editor because as long as the PUR says "parking lot" the option to "convert to residential/private address" is not available. so the editor must first remove the parking lot category before the place can be converted to an RPP.
It would be much simpler and reduce workload for editors if the app just gave a wazer a much more clear path when all they wanted to do was add their home to the map.
Instead of asking them for a name of the place, ask them if this is a residence or a business. Based on that answer alone, you should be able to much more completely simplify the wazer workflow and the editor work flow.
thank you.
umopapisdn commented
it is not obvious that the "This is a residential place" button is in fact a button. Please make it have a check box or make it more obvious that it is a button that must be tapped to continue along the residential workflow. perhaps change it to read "Is this a residential place?" with a yes/no to proceed.
CB commented
Make the address entry city a mandatory field. So many times the city is left blank
snyowl commented
This should be streamlined so that we can reduce the amount or work to accept these PURs
Bob McCormick commented
Wow - never tried to add a home address to the map - that's crazy amount of steps, and is confusing. And now that you've shared the process, as an editor it make a lot more sense what we are seeing in WME. Yes - this could be improved in the Waze client for the sake of Wazers, and it also benefits the editing community as well.
For RPP for residences, would make a lot of sense to require at least a house number and street, as often I find these kinds of things actually distant from where they should actually be located. Saves editors time where otherwise the only thing we can do is look at a photo (if provided) and if there's street view, try to figure out which dwelling it is - otherwise do that from comparison with aerial imagery.