Need to distinguish between HOV and Express/HOT/Toll lanes
Maybe this is California specific, but we have both HOV lanes, which require 2+ passengers but have no toll required, and then we have Express Lanes, which are toll lanes that you can drive in regardless of number of passengers, but do require a toll (paid for via a transponder - Fastrak in CA).
I drive by myself so I cannot use the HOV lanes, but I do have a Fastrak transponder so I can use the Express lanes. But if I tell Waze that I have Fastrak, it automatically also routes me on the HOV lanes, which I cannot be in. Two consequences: 1) The route duration/ETA is always way off because it is calculated assuming I am in the HOV lanes, and 2) it keeps telling me to get back in the HOV lanes which is annoying.
What is needed is ability to say "Yes - I have a transponder and want to use the express lanes" and, SEPERATELY say yes/no I have 2+ passengers and want to use HOV lanes if available and optimal.