public transport services
Please consider the public transport services as a transit option to waze users community (rail services as a metropolitan “backbone” mobility solution for congestion).

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
sonny reid commented
I want to share a suggestion that I believe could significantly enhance the Waze app’s functionality and expand its user base: integrating public transportation options.
Benefits of Adding Public Transportation Features:
1. Increased Accessibility:
• Users without access to a car could rely on Waze for their transportation needs.
• Supports a wider demographic, including students, urban dwellers, and tourists.
2. Real-Time Updates:
• Utilize Waze’s strengths in real-time traffic updates to include bus and train delays, cancellations, and route changes.
• Provide users with accurate ETAs for public transit.
3. Competitive Edge:
• Compete with existing apps like Google Maps by offering seamless public transportation directions.
• Retain current users while attracting a broader audience.
4. Community Engagement:
• Enable users to report transit-related issues (e.g., overcrowding, delays) to enhance the shared experience.Adding this functionality could transform Waze into an all-encompassing navigation app that serves both drivers and public transit users.
Leo Globys commented
I have to use 2 different navigation apps for both driving and public transportation (Waze and Google Maps) can we please just have public transportation implemented into Waze, and please make it so you can see live location of buses.
Florian Hendrickx commented
When mapping a route to a city centre adress would love to get a few suggestions on how to get 'rid' of my car :)
- parking is not an issue
- change destination to nearest public parking
- park outside of city near public transportPreferably option 2 vs 3 mentions me duration difference.
Keren commented
Add a car catagory of buses due to the special bus routs which save time to improve the service for travel bus drivers
Danielle Peig commented
All those ideas below solve nothing for my issue. I have to take the bus to work it would nice to know Absolute Exact issues w/ buses being late. The buses I have to take need to arrive on time in order for me to take my next bus.. google maps does Not solve this issue.. sometimes they say the bus has already left when in fact it hasn’t even arrived yet. I believe wayz and know you guys can solve this issue unless it was copy written . We Public Transporters need wayz! Thank u for your time
Omar Mohammed commented
I am a bus driver and I use Waze all the time for my normal vehicle and my bus also. However I find that when I’m using my bus, Waze takes me through small streets which I find very difficult and therefore I would like to have an option on Waze to choose the vehicle type that you have so that it does not take you through small streets for larger vehicles if this was the case then I would love to use Waze in my bus.
Reut Blass commented
When i am on the bus i want to know when am i going to arrive my station. My suggestion is that you will be able to change the routes when you are on a certin bus. Another option is that you can just enter the bus number and then the app will automatically know your route.
Jorge Guimarães commented
Combine waze with moovit
David Witzthum commented
is there a way for taxi or bus driver to find routs which are allocated only for public transport?
עאמר מוניר commented
לפני כל נסיעה לשאול את המשתמש : באיזה רכב הוא נוסע ??
Wagner Ferreira Mota commented
Waze boa tarde, uma ideia q poderia ajudar muito gente principalmente motorista de ônibus, dar opção para seleção de ônibus com todos as funções exemplo, limites de velocidade, onde ônibus pode trafegar etc... ajudaria muito nós que vivemos do turismo...
Anonymous commented
is het mogelijk om in jullie applicatie ook voor bus route planning te voor zien?
Want ik gebruik Waze dikwijls voor de auto maar zou handig zijn als het ook voor bus is?
Anonymous commented
Gps pra ônibus.
Tony soprano commented
Hello waze can you please make a driving app with door to door service ? It would be very helpful for school bus drivers, thank you.
Oliver Warders commented
Allowing the app for the average users on public transportation will help users avoid crowds on the way to or from work etc. The way the app works for roads I am sure the data is already public for public transit like nyc MTA etc. Since some of their apps can tell you about crowding on the next bus etc.
Adam commented
Számos ponton nem mindegy hogy milyen gépjárművel haladunk.
Nem ugyanaz a szabályok érvényesek személyautóra, kamionra , buszra.
Ki lehessen választani hogy én mivel megyek és annak megfelelően navigál. Most ez csak személyautóra működik, pedig nagyon sok kamionos használja. -
Wagner Ferreira Mota commented
Waze boa tarde, uma ideia q poderia ajudar muito gente principalmente motorista de ônibus, dar opção para seleção de ônibus com todos as funções exemplo, limites de velocidade, onde ônibus pode trafegar etc... ajudaria muito nós que vivemos do turismo...
Nati commented
There is no navigation option for bus in Waze app
You promise but no deliver....hope for change/upgrade. -
Anonymous commented
Emoji para táxi, afim de que os usuários que estejam a pé possam identificar um táxi pelo mapa.
Anonymous commented
Make it posible using waze with havy truk like bus