Feature Request: Traffic Predictions.
Feature Request: Traffic Predictions. Adding an option to estimate what the traffic will be on any given route at a specific time in the future.

Anonymous commented
Waze should have a way to look at how long it will take to get from one place to another during a specific time. For example I looked an address up at noon and it said 25 minutes so I planned accordingly. However, when I left the time had doubled and I was late. I know it’s not an exact science but maybe an estimate according to collected data of rush hours etc...? Only if you are looking an address up ahead of time.
Sagi commented
ווייז מנטר ושומר כל יום מידע על התנועה
יש מקומות שכל בוקר יש בהם פקקים
אם אני יוצא מביתי וברגע זה הכביש פנוי,עד שאגיע לאזור שעתיד להיות פקוק (לפי הסטטיסטיקה) כבר יווצר שם פקק וזמן הנסיעה המקורי יתארך
מכייוון שיש לווייז את כל המידע הסטטיסטי הנ:ל אשמח אם האפליקציה תציג הסתברות להארכ הבזמן הנסיעה הסופי לעומת המצב הנוכחי -
Ali Saatchi commented
The trafic will be changing dramatically before rush hours and it is impossible to be predicted the exact reaching time. Therefore, I have a suggestion to be able to record the trafic of specific rout gathered in a week period according to dynamic and real changing trafic. It could enable us to take an accurate average. For example we can exactly predict at what time should be leave to reach at x o clock.
Anonymous commented
Good idea!!!
Anonymous commented
To add an option that came I will be able to calculate a route not in real time, so for example I want to get from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem , When I check at waze at 10 pm there are no traffic jams but I want to check on tomorrow morning at 8 am the time to arrive that this is an hour full of traffic jams.
Pascal commented
When Waze calculate the arrival time with the current traffic, it will be good if we can see the arrival time without traffic jam.
So we can compare the diffirentrs ways that we want to use -
Anonymous commented
Still way off on traffic predictions! You have all the date to improve this, please implement it.
Sherlock McGyver commented
I was about to post the same idea. Fortunately I found yours using the search feature.
Alexandre F Ferraz commented
At weekends and holidays it's common heavy traffic in certain times so the idea is each one choose a departure time and a destination that will create a table with the estimated time and if the one you want is too long you choose a more convenient so the idea is the traffic be more flat. If you don't departure the time you've scheduled you will loose points and be a bad wazer
Anonymous commented
Enable this feature also on the iPhone app.
GLPJ commented
It would be nice when computing route to predict if traffic will be getting worse or better by looking at past trends and current accidents/slowdowns. As an example, if there is an accident or slowdown on westbound freeway A, then it could predict that there would be a slowdown on connecting freeway B in 5 minutes.
Hector commented
Sometimes is better to stay a little longer in the office than be stuck in the traffic.
Based on the statistics, could waze came up with a hour rangee to drive back home. Something like if you don´t go before 5PM , better wait until 7PM , will stuck in traffic anyway
Oscar Mora commented
Have routes reports available for users, for example I want to know at what time and day the route from point A to B has the lowest traffic jams then I can manage my workdays better choosing the less stuck hours and optimize my time. Specially that my country has the WORST traffic jams conditions in the world.
erica commented
Yes I would love this feature!! Sometimes my only barrier to getting home is that I don't want to sit in traffic, so I would like a predictive feature that can predict according to daily trends what the journey time will be from point a to point b at 8pm or 9pm etc.
Greg commented
There should be a way to see historical data on traffic flows. So when planning a trip I can see that 90% of the time traffic is at a standstill in this section during these days and hours so I can plan around it.
Gilad commented
Adding an option to see traffic on a selected time could really help.
For example, if I know I need to be somewhere at a given time, I would like to see what is the traffic one hour before, 45 minutes before and so on.
Google now has something similar. It recommends when should you go out and start driving to arrive at the planned time.