Ambulance / Fire
You have an option to show where police are visible. Please add the option to show where EMS (ambulance / fire / rescue) are visible.
This not only can serve to protect the EMS at a scene, it will also protect motorist coming up to an accident scene.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Martok commented
Bonjour pouvez-vous créé une icône pompiers ou ambulance et surtout facile d’accès merci
PUIGCERVER commented
Il faudrait créer un icône pompiers pour nous signaler, la police n'est pas toujours présente sur nos interventions.
Merci -
PUIGCERVER commented
Bonjour étant pompiers il manque un icône pompiers, pour nous signaler, pas toujours la police avec nous !
Noah Weinbaum commented
My name is Noah Weinbaum and I am employed as a first responder (EMT) and use Waze quite often when I'm responding to a 911 call. Sometimes Waze tells me to go in one direction and then tells me to turn around and go past where I just was. Something to work on but my idea is to add to Waze or create a separate Waze app just for first responders so they can have the quickest, easiest route to a 911 call, when seconds can matter. Thanks in advance. Noah
Anonymous commented
If there could be an EMS feature for ambulances / fire trucks like there is for police, like left / right lane or other side of road to give wazer’s prior warning, will help with crash feature and in conjunction with it. As a majority of the time lanes and highways get closed down. I’m sure a lot of us would utilize that warning.
Stephen Rancour commented
I think this would be a fantastic add on! As a Paramedic it would be awesome since we're not only just parked on the side of the road for accidents. This could alert people so that they can slow down when they are approaching our ambulances and firetrucks. I actually ran into when I wanted to alert about this this morning because there was a structure fire going on that the fire department had shut down the road so it was only a one lane road and were trying to flag people down on a 55 mph road. The only option I had was to put a vehicle parked on the shoulder.