why is there no ambulance car option? and option to show hospitals on map? I am an EMT who uses Waze at work all the time!
Add ambulance icon to car options, and an option to show hospitals, maybe even the closest ER facility to current location! I use Waze all the time at work as an EMT, and while the first suggestion would just be a treat for those, like me, in the EMS field, the second option would have the ability to assuage new EMTs fears of not knowing the closest hospital facility (we cover ALL of Colorado, though mainly Denver metro area, but still a huge area to learn when you're new).

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Diane F commented
Give Firetrucks/ambulance vehicles a special Waze account, so they show up on the screen as a blinking light behind you , or coming the other way...
Orlando Errichiello commented
Good morning,
I regularly use your app even when on 118 emergency service, it would be useful to also have routes for ambulances, therefore giving users the possibility initially to propose the best routes to move towards hospitals to get there as quickly as possible with wide and fast roads , with as few turns as possible. It is proposed as a totally free consultancy to carry out this project, I am from Turin and it would be a city that lends itself to being a pilot area. What we Drivers lack is a hand in fast routes combined with real-time info on traffi or etc.
I tried to use the taxi option which also allows passage in ztl I guess or preferential lanes but it's not the best.
Thanks in advance for any contact or feedback.
Happy Sunday
Orlando E.
Jack A13-54 commented
Percorso più veloce con deroghe concesse ai mezzi di soccorso in emergenza con possibilità di inserimento delle dimensioni del mezzo affinché non ci si incastri in strade impraticabili o troppo strette
Anonymous commented
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