Give points when we "thumbs up" other hazards.
Make it less cluttered by having 10 wazers post the same hazard, or delete someones and replace it with theirs.
Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Nick Boyd commented
****NOTE: I did a search for similar suggestions however they were not very detailed. Please vote for this if you feel it provides a better explanation of the feature and how it will benefit the Waze community. Thanks***
This suggestion is pretty simple - When a user posts a Report and another user "thanks" them, the user posting the Report would receive some reasonable amount of points (2-3).
This would thus not allow a particular user to inflate their own point totals, but serve as a further incentive for users to report road issues that are relevant and valid.
Another benefit of this proposal - If the user posing the Report takes additional time to add pictures and/or comment this make for more informative Report - would be inclined to receivng more "thanks" due to higher quality and thus incentivize more informative Reports from community as a whole as users can see that high-quality Reporting equals greater recognition for contribution via points vs. simply submitting a Report with no helpful details.
Again, this prevents the issue of one trying to inflate their own points - the focus is on having users reward other users who post high quality Reports. Those thanking would then be encouraged themselves to go out and make their own high quality Reports.
This could be a very exciting feature and strengthen the quality of Reports community through a positive feedback loop. Please share your thoughts and hopefully this is something that could be vetted out further at Waze HQ (and one day implemented)! :)
Nick Boyd commented
Expanding on this idea a bit.....
==========================================================================When a user posts a Report and another user "thanks" them, the user posting the Report would receive some reasonable amount of points (2-3).
This would thus not allow a particular user to inflate their own point totals, but serve as a further incentive for users to report road issues that are relevant and valid.
Another benefit of this proposal - If the user posing the Report takes additional time to add pictures and/or comment this make for more informative Report - would be inclined to receivng more "thanks" due to higher quality and thus incentivize more informative Reports from community as a whole as users can see that high-quality Reporting equals greater recognition for contribution via points vs. simply submitting a Report with no helpful details.
Again, this prevents the issue of one trying to inflate their own points - the focus is on having users reward other users who post high quality Reports. Those thanking would then be encouraged themselves to go out and make their own high quality Reports.
This could be a very exciting feature and strengthen the quality of Reports community through a positive feedback loop. Please share your thoughts and hopefully this is something that could be vetted out further at Waze HQ (and one day implemented)! :)
אילה commented
קבלת נקודות על כל לייק שהתקבל על דיווח שלנו
SunJ commented
and lose two thirds of points total when thresholds marks not there for a set of reports
SunJ commented
how will you use points?
such merely promotes feckless vehicle stopped on shoulder "hazard"
Anonymous commented
I think each thank you should earn you an extra point for the alert.
Daniel commented
You should give ppl more points for reporting police. That way we could have more data. We just drove from WI to IL and we pass a lot police traps but few of them were not reported. I saw some other wazers passing by them without reporting . if you increase the amount of points maybe we get better reports. Here is my plan. You report police get 10 points but if somebody confirms or thanks you get a extra 100.
Leron commented
Get points for adding a more discriptive comment when reporting a hazard
Anonymous commented
Please make all reports screen sort by " latest first"
Right now it's "latest last" which requires me to scroll all the way down on my iPhone.