Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!
Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
Rappeler la vitesse limite dans les zones de radar
Fabiano Renner Lopes Monteiro commented
speed limit
norbert commented
For speed traps you have disabled the audio interface. That is big reason not to use waze. Navigon can do that.
Anonymous commented
Please add configurable sound for alerts
Anonymous commented
- A option of MOBILE RADAR, when a person report a mobile radar imediattly show in map this mobile radar and the others persons will confirm or not if is true.
- Option to alerts for all radar, even when the drivers are below the speed
Francisco Rodrigues commented
Uma sugestão para o Waze em relação à multas de transito acima da velocidade, principalmente no Brasil. O Wase poderia implementar o controle de limite de velocidade com alerta sonoro sempre que o velocimetro ultrapassar uma velocidade parametrizada, ou até avaliar a possibilidade de fazer uma leitura do limite de velocidade das vias de transito, e sempre que o velocimetro alcancar essa velocidade, se o parametro estiver ativo, acionaria um alerta sonoro.
Anonymous commented
Seria muito bom se tivesse uma opção que sempre notificasse (com som) ao se aproximar de um radar e não só quando está em velocidade excessiva.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if it had an option to always notify (with sound) when approaching a radar and not only when at excessive speed.
Anonymous commented
I agree
Anonymous commented
Que les radars de feux sonnent qu'elle que soit la vitesse . Longue route a waze
Jim commented
Notification that you are at X above posted speed limit. X to be user defined
Fernando Daher Marques commented
The waze should report the speed limit and alert you when this is over the limit .
Lo De commented
The alerts in Waze are way too discrete!! If I don't hear the alerts , I prefer to keep Coyote...
Edson commented
The mayor introduced several radars with speed limit at only 40km/h. Consequently, the error margin is only 4km/h and unfortunately, for a such slow movement, the waze has not a sufficient precision and are not able to identify on time that the speed are slightly above the limit or not. Even if the measured speed is accurate, if the waze does not alert with a sound, it is highly possible that the speed changes 4km/h by any slight feet movement. Thus, considering the several changes of speed limit imposwd in our city, which confuse the driver, it is fair that at least we have a tool to be advised about a radar and the new speed limit for that location. I do hope Waze implement this suggestion as soon as possible. Otherwise, we are discussing in paralel forums to support alternative tools from other providers.
Regards -
Edson commented
Please... We need that!!!!
Anonymous commented
Sugero que o alerta do radar seja com voz independente da velocidade
Jean-Marie Honnin commented
pouvoir attribuer un bruit de son choix aux alertes serait un plus.
La fenêtre des radars serait mieux si elle clignotait en rouge. Elle serait plus visible. -
Domingos Salvio Fiorot commented
Pergunto por que, mesmo o radar semafórico aparecendona tela, às vezes ele não é alertado por voz ?
Alexandre Ferroni commented
Incluir um alerta sonoro para quando fosse ultrapassado o limite da via ....
Gamma commented