Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!

Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Darren L commented
Could you tell me where to turn this on or where to activate this function? Also what version was it available from as I can seem to find it
Greg Powell commented
In the UK, when in a variable speed limit, the speed camera audio notification only sounds when above the maximum speed limit eg 70mph on a motorway.
There should always be a notification when in a variable zone as you could be doing 70mph in a 30mph zone with no alert.
Easy solution is to have an option to "Always Alert for Speed Camera" for any speed which also ties in with others' suggestions (eg speeding up once inside the alert threshold doesn't generate an audio warning - it should) -
Dennis van der Ven commented
Give all users some options regarding this issue.
Neil O'Callaghan commented
Absolutely needed feature, the speak camera audio alert should always play, as otherwise you are distracted looking at the screen.
Pedro D. Afonso commented
Could u please vocally warn for radars regardless if we above the speed limit or not?
2 reasons:
1 - In the UK there's variable speed limit on motorways. Normal speed is 70mph but if they set 60 or 50 there's no voice warning stating there's a radar 0.3 miles away as we below the normal speed. If the voice warns for radars regardless of speed, would be helpful in those situations
2 - on a 20 or 30mph road, 0.3 miles away from a radar we might be below the speed limit but if we distracted, with such low speed limits we easily pass the tolerance in a short distance.
Thank u Waze for keeping my drivers license clean -
ItsJustHerb commented
Speed and Red light cameras are illegal here in California, so this debate is moot!
Noli commented
Agree with this. There should at least be an *option* you can toggle on to have all speed cameras always trigger an audio alert, even if you are under the speed limit - even if this option is off by default.
vicky ferrer coromina commented
Por favor, que exista la posibilidad de recibir alertas de radares independientemente de la velocidad que estés conduciendo.
Me han llegado ya algunas multas por radares porque justo a 200m del radar acelero y supero el máximo permitido, y claro como a 500m no iba superando el límite pues la alerta no me salta. Por favor, dad la opción a que te avisen siempre, vayas a la velocidad que vayas.
John Emery commented
This is crucial to my commute. Smart Motorway speed limits can change depending on traffic conditions, I need an audible ping when there is a speed camera regardless of current speed.
Timothy Rowe commented
This is critical for me; I do my best to never speed. But sometimes speed creeps up on you and you don't even realise. I have Waze set to beep as soon as I hit the speed limit but fear that the speed may creep over just before a camera. I would like a warning regardless of the speed Im travelling.
We also have speed camera in locations with variable speed limits depending on the time of day so you can easily be caught out with no audible cues at all.
강민구 commented
과속 단속 구간이 있을 때, 만약에 운전자가 속도 초과라면, 전방 1km부터 단속 구간을 지나갈 때까지 경고음이 울렸으면 좋겠다.
Sayed Mohammad Ahmed Sharif commented
using voice alert for speed change (warn the driver of the current speed limit by saying i.e. 30 miles).
Angelchops commented
It might already show this information but the speed limit indicator is much to small to read at a glance. It should be the same size as the driving speed indicator.
Jorge Rapetti commented
Deberia ser configurable, asi se ajusta a las necesidades de todos. De la misma forma que el limite de velocidad es configurable, las barreras de tren, etc. Por favor den respuesta a este tema que es muy util, es mas util que otras cosas que ya estan incorporadas.
Ian Jackson commented
I was fined for speeding. Waze didn't alert me because I was going under the limit but speeded up at that last second. If there had been an audible alert, I would have known the camera was there. My level is "Royalty Wazer" as I've been using Waze for 10 years (got 360k points, so I have always been an active user) and I'm going to have to use a competitor until this is fixed.
Lee commented
In the UK we have variable road speeds which means that if you are on the motorway and the speed has been varied to say 50 or 60 mph, waze will not give an audio sound/warning to alert you that there is a speed camera approaching as the normal road speed would be 70 mph. Please can it be possible for speed cameras to always give an audio alert regardless of the speed you are travelling
Adria commented
Please add this feature as a an option
Ivan commented
COINCIDO! Y Alerta por 2 vías: SONORA y VISUAL.
Aviso SONORO y VISUAL 500 mts antes del radar (INDEPENDIENTEMENTE de la velocidad a la que esté circulando)Estimados. Ante todo soy un fanático del Waze. Lo uso desde que me subo al auto, haga 100 km o 15 cuadras, a veces para llegar a destino, pero SIEMPRE para detectar con la intención de anticiparme a los radares de velocidad y la foto multas
Paso a describir lo que pienso y mi pedido, si fuese posible:
En mi caso llevo el celular en el centro del tablero (a la derecha del volante) pegado a un imán.
Creo que WAZE es muy bueno en muchísimas cosas, y tiene tantas configuraciones para que cada usuario setee a su gusto, que me llama mucho la atención que no esté aún la opción/función que propongo a continuación
Me refiero a la alarma SONORA y a al DESTELLO para detección VISUAL
La alarma sonora funciona (o avisa) 500 mts antes del radar, pero SOLO si en esos 500 mts antes estoy yendo a una velocidad superior a la permitida por el radar que se encuentra 500 mts más adelante. Vivo en Buenos Aires, Argentina, está lleno de radares por todos lados (y muchos de ellos bastante ridículos en su pretensión de velocidad máxima. Es decir, que sin ser un loco al volante, es muy fácil superar esa velocidad máxima (p ej 60 km/h).)
Entonces, básicamente, mis propuestas son 2 para esta misma temática
1- Que el aviso o alarma sonora SUENE esos 500 mts antes, vaya uno por arriba O POR DEBAJO de la velocidad máxima permitida. Que avise SIEMPRE. O por lo menos me den la opción de elegir esa función cuando uno setea las configuraciones del WAZE
2- Y la alarma visual. Que en esos 500 mts salte un cartel MAS VISUAL (recuerdo que tengo el cel a la derecha del volante, al igual que muchos, entonces uno no conduce mirando en la misma línea donde esta el celular. Y el cartel actual que muestra (porque sí muestra un cartel) es MUY PEQUEÑO y sin llamar mucho la atención. Me encantaría que titile en rojo todo el celular p ej, que no haya forma de no poder verlo.Me pasó muchísimas veces de ver el cartel CAMARA DE VELOCIDAD una vez que lo pasé, siendo ya tarde y acumulando algunas multas en mi haber. Aunque a su vez debo haberme ahorrado una buena cantidad de pesos gracias al WAZE. Asi que es solo eso, una propuesta de mejora o que le den a los usuarios esa posibilidad de configuración. Muchas gracias.
Filip Baverstock commented
Tbh I don't want the beeps but I would like for the app to tell me about speed cameras even when I am not over the limit, because I might soon well be!
francrubio commented
If i'm not wrong this is implemented but it depends on how the local community asked the Staff to configure the alerts for that specific country.